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Deba Fish Knife
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Thread: Deba Fish Knife

  1. #1

    Deba Fish Knife

    Anybody onboard amongst their Fishing knives own a Deba ??.
    Stupidity it may as i own a shyteload of Filletting knives allready arm a fully loaded long Fishing charter for a year or so lol but couldnt resist ordering one of the above see if the hype was worth the outlay ??.
    Either that or a new whole set of stones for the sharpening bin 🧐.
    Moreihi Stones have been keeping me awake whether worth the purchase also ??.

  2. #2

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    It's a bit difficult making sense of your post, but, I don't own that brand, I tend to use cheapish knives (not junk) and replace them now and then, rather than buy expensive brands.

  3. #3

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Yeah Noel ,I talk giberish sometime when in haste to post lol..
    Bit of a Hoarder when it comes to Rods , Reels , Filletting Knives and Sharpening Stones so tend to get a wee bit excited when i make a new purchase.
    Like a Kid in a Lollyshop i guess ey ??.
    Sometimes i like to share my purchases n see who else out there is a nut like me .
    The Deba Knife is a Japanese Fish cutting/Cleaning/Filletting knife and one ive been spying for quite some time but with the hoards of knives i have ive refrained till now with raised eyebrows from the Missus lol..
    The Stones mentioned are among some of the brands i would like to purchase and see how they perform but again for the time i am refraining ..
    Till the Missus looks away ..
    Have to have something pass the time when one cant go Fishing or when one wantsa to get out of the way and have self time ..

  4. #4

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    I have posted this many times before, I am pretty useless when it comes to sharpening knives, a quick run on the bench grinder or a rub on the concrete path is about my limits! I can fillet, skin and bone with the best of them, but, sharpening just escapes me, no matter how much I try.

  5. #5

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Well that reply ended up in data heaven somewhere LOL so here goes a second .
    Noel sometimes a bench grinder or concrete step may be the answer especially if your trying to process six/seven hundred kilos of Shark into Flake Fillets after volunteering to help do so.
    Besser Block , Battery Operated Belt Grinder n Steel LOL.
    Would like to see how some of these top end Blades made by renown Bladesmiths would Stan up aftertwo days of processing Flake LOL.

  6. #6

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Volvo, if you have too many knives I know Funchy is in need of some at his new place at 1770.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  7. #7

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    What exactly are you hoping to do with a Deba that you cannot do with a normal knife or cleaver ?

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    This might seem kind of strange, but, my wife is an expert at sharpening knives, and when I use her knives (if I'm allowed) they are almost too sharp, it's hard to explain, but there is no "feel" or something, the blade just kind of slides without effort! When I fillet Flathead, I end up with a boneless, skinless fillet, it's so simple to do, (google it) but with her knives, it never works properly, I can't really explain it! I have a couple of decent knives for fish, but, my favourite is a $5 Kmart knife, for doing Blackfish and Flathead, it's just the best, easy for an inept sharpener like me to "touch up" and is just the right size and shape (for me)

  9. #9

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Nah not strange at all Noel I bought near dozen of those KMart knives Red handles ones $5 each Berkley if I'm not wrong ? Gave them out as gifts?. They sharpen up like a razor but don't hold their edge too we'll.
    As for how you fillet?., whatever makes you comfy n at ease doing so .
    I've filleted with a Pocket knife time or two and it did the job , slow but got there.
    Chris like you might trial different lures , I like trialing different Kaniiffies , how it goes if one is slightly bent with different interests .
    One may spend a shyteload of cash on a Reel n I might do so on a Kife I've an interest with.
    Dig , If Funchy is still at 1770 when I Kark it he may pick up a few bargains if any left LOL otherwise can do him a good deal re a few spares I have .

  10. #10

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Yes, that's the Kmart knives, they are very sharp, but do go dull quick, I can fillet, skin and bone about 8 decent Blackfish (that's how many our family eats) with one "sharpen" on the grinder......but can easily do a bag limit of Flathead.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Yes, that's the Kmart knives, they are very sharp, but do go dull quick, I can fillet, skin and bone about 8 decent Blackfish (that's how many our family eats) with one "sharpen" on the grinder......but can easily do a bag limit of Flathead.
    Maybe a paper wheel would suit you?

  12. #12

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    I don't know, It's just something that eludes me, I have tried all sorts of tricks, got oil stones of varying grade, I think it's just holding the right angle all the time, even sharpening chisels is a drama for me. Now and then, I get my wife or my son to do them for me, I know it seems strange, I can build stuff, fix things, fillet fish like a champ, splice rope and god knows what else, but sharpening.......nah.

  13. #13

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Bit the same Noel. My brother is a butcher and has shown me numerous times but I still struggle.

  14. #14

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Freehand sharpening is part pashion part practice n developing muscle memory fingers /hand.
    Develope feedback between stone and blade.
    Otherwise there are varying tools out there help in this field if one wishes or feels they are viable for the.
    If your Missus is good at sharpening Noel might pay leave it at that save the hassle .
    Back to those KMart knives , good enough for an onboard knife with no big loss if you lose one here n there o erboard.
    A good set of say three or four waterstones will set one back $400 if not more so one must have the passion to outlay that.
    But then again you can spend four times that on a fishing reel ey.
    Each to their own ey.

  15. #15

    Re: Deba Fish Knife

    Noel if you have the time n interest get on Yayatube n search Plateau Sharpening with Cliff Stamp.
    In my books he is a legend especially with a normal oilstone , one off.
    And among keen freehand sharpeners well respected.
    Mind you I have tried his method of freehand sharpening and so far it eludes me .
    Patience wise mostly .

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