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Thread: What a waste

  1. #1

    What a waste

    These photos were taken at Turross Heads NSW, the waste here is criminal.

  2. #2

    Re: What a waste

    People just want boneless Flathead tails, I guess if you look at it, if it was properly filleted, the fish would still be dead, it is a complete waste of good eating fish though, I have seen the same thing here many times.

  3. #3

    Re: What a waste

    Disgusting, possibly black marketing and why leave the evidence behind.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  4. #4

    Re: What a waste

    Probably not black marketeers (in my opinion) I have seen people "fillet" Flathead like that quite often, they just take the boneless tail, I often get those frames for crab bait. It's not that hard to fillet a Flathead properly and get a decent boneless fillet anyway, if you google it, there is a dozen movies on how to do it, I do my Ocean sand Flathead the boneless way, takes a minute, Dusky Flathead don't seem to be as easy though, the skin is much tougher, or so it seems.

  5. #5
    Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Soldiers Point, NSW

    Re: What a waste

    Don't know what they were thinking. The stomach flaps are the tastiest of all and they left them on the carcass. What a waste. Surely they had some friends or neighbours to give the unwanted parts of the flatties.

  6. #6

    Re: What a waste

    To skin a dusky i lay the fillet flat and cut from just under start of ribs half way through to skin and right down to tip of tail, this lays the fillet a bit flatter and allows you to start from tail pulling skin tag while laying knife near flat to skin fillet, sadly most people are clueless on sharpening a knife, i spent 45 years as a slaughterman and i am astounded the knives sold at tackle shops, nearly all have a shoulder like an axe and would be extremely hard to sharpen, and a steel is a must.

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