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Thread: WA six Month Fishing Closure

  1. #16

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    From what i hear (Hopegully Goss only ) QLD will not be spared either.
    For better of for worse time will only tell ??.

  2. #17

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Maybe it's a case of short term pain for long term gain? Who knows for sure, the "loose" data they have to go on could/can be interpreted to suit any desired outcome, but that said, there is no real hard and fast data, except what pros put through legal markets, rec catches are a "best guess" black marketing exists in both sectors, but one things certain, we can't continue to just take.

  3. #18

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    So all the Christmas holidays will be open to fish.
    Same thing happened in Qld. Snapper and Pearl Perch closure was supposed to happen much earlier according to scientific research, late June to early July. But wait, this is holiday time here and followed by interstate school holidays. Now when the final dates were released after consultation with all the dates got moved to mid July to mid August. A case of tourist dollars vs scientific research, am I cynical, not at all.
    One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce and canonized those who complain.
    Thomas Sowell

  4. #19

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    You guys know from my posts that I’ve always advocated for a balance between commercial and recreational. I believe we are in a long term fight that attacks both sectors and the vegan greens will never stop their advocacy until all fishing is banned.

    that said. If any stock is in such low status that major measures are required. Then the very first measure that must be implemented is he ban of exports. This comes from a personal opinion that all fish stocks are a shared resource for all Australians. I don’t want every single home out there fishing and commercial licences are there to supply other Australians who don’t fish, with a feed.

    I’m sounding like I’m flogging a dead horse here but I’ll say it again. The inequity, real or perceived, between commercial and recreational fishers (in this instance) comes from drastically different management practices between the two sectors. Commercial have logbooks and a TAC. A perfectly reasonable management structure that works. Recreational don’t have the same reporting requirements. So must be managed in a different way. This leaves draconian measures open to recreationals as vegan leaning fisheries scientists get to put in vastly different management practices to achieve the same outcome.

    Until recreational fishers not only accept but advocate for recreational catch cards (app based). Then we will always have shit management outcomes like this, and like I’ve been saying since the first RRFF debacle in QLD, we will have shit data going into shit models used by mathematicians who wouldn’t have the first clue as to how many fish are out there.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  5. #20

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Yep, fully agree, the "ban the pros" side are not on the right track, the paranoid recreational angler is also not helping by not providing, or supporting some reliable method to measure catch rates, it's not easy to "manage" a natural resource that is almost entirely a take/harvest situation. Exports are another side to this, you can't blame anyone for sending product offshore when there is a high priced demand/country waiting for it, doesn't make it right, but........the whole thing has many sides, and all those sides are starting to crumble.

  6. #21

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Guess we all have the answer for this problemo no matter which platform one reads or posts to??.
    For me a big part of the problem is to first stop trying to feed the rest of the World with what lives and grows naturualy in our back yard.
    Want to sell offshore or try feed the rest of the world , some which have such a huge population n pallete then Farm the feckers n sell as much as you want , not rape n pillage becuase you have a licence to do so!!..
    As for keeping an onboard dairy or whatever you wish to call it for Rec Fisho's ?? , "Yeah go tell it on the Mountain " , can see that happening with glee n enthusiasim!!..
    Whatever info is passed on can be interpreted to suit the interpreter ..
    Its out Backyard and yes we all have a responsabillity here first .
    Personally i do believe that most Rec Fishos do and try to do the right thing where the Fishery is concerned ..

  7. #22

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Guess we all have the answer for this problemo no matter which platform one reads or posts to??.
    For me a big part of the problem is to first stop trying to feed the rest of the World with what lives and grows naturualy in our back yard.
    Want to sell offshore or try feed the rest of the world , some which have such a huge population n pallete then Farm the feckers n sell as much as you want , not rape n pillage becuase you have a licence to do so!!..
    As for keeping an onboard dairy or whatever you wish to call it for Rec Fisho's ?? , "Yeah go tell it on the Mountain " , can see that happening with glee n enthusiasim!!..
    Whatever info is passed on can be interpreted to suit the interpreter ..
    Its out Backyard and yes we all have a responsabillity here first .
    Personally i do believe that most Rec Fishos do and try to do the right thing where the Fishery is concerned ..
    And that is the problem as Lovey has said, until "we" have some kind of viable, accurate catch data, then we will forever be subject to hard impact laws, just like this one and "ban the pros" will also be the war cry, for no real. result

  8. #23
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Yep, fully agree, the "ban the pros" side are not on the right track, the paranoid recreational angler is also not helping by not providing, or supporting some reliable method to measure catch rates, it's not easy to "manage" a natural resource that is almost entirely a take/harvest situation. Exports are another side to this, you can't blame anyone for sending product offshore when there is a high priced demand/country waiting for it, doesn't make it right, but........the whole thing has many sides, and all those sides are starting to crumble.
    Yes many sided Noel but pretty easy decisions on where to start I reckon..

    If we are dealling with a finite resource thats shown not to be recovering then without a doubt the first to go is export (the whole industry is only worth a bit north of a Billion dollars a year anyway so why are we smashing our Prawn, Ab, Lobster and fish stocks for peanuts ..then commercial guys should be paid out and the industry wound down for any fish species that are being depleted and chip shops can use imported, farmed or local fish species that are in no trouble stockwise..i wonder how many people can really tell the difference between imported/exported or even between species..

    The emphasis then should be on australians acually catching what we for those that have boats or land based and those that are happy to pay for a charter....seriously there are very few people that could not cast a line off a Jetty or pay for a days charter occasionally is there if they wanted a fresh fish..?

    We really have to accept that the whole planets fisheries are under unprecedented pressure and we all have to adjust to a new reality when it comes to allocating resources in the fairest and most sustainable way..

    and yeah when it comes to catch reporting I can fully understand why many Rec guys are not onboard with it....until Rec fishing is given the top priority then this will remain the case unfortunately....the Pro guys have the most vocal mouthpieces are are always playing victim and critisizing Rec fisherman..

    Stuff the Pro's..bloody dinosaurs..I dislike them and their entitled attitude more all the time...I have plenty of examples where even just one or 2 of them change whole local fisheries...bastards have just about totally wiped out Sawfish in the Gulf with their Barra nets with no apparently remorse.....for some reason when everything was zoned up here..Crabbing Hinchinbrook island was still allowed so for the sake of one or 2 crabbers... everybody loses out as they daily flog the guts out of it..the only real local Landbased Barra fishery in Mission Beach..Boat bay between the boat ramp and the jetty sometimes has a barra net draped across it many of these practises are so destructive for whats actually acheived...

    Have a look at what the Net Free Zones in the Fitzroy River around Rockhampton has done for the Barra and Threadfin Fisheries there..its hardly rocket science...

    I'm sure glad I dont live in SA..Would there even be any point bottomfishing down there..?

    To put it all in perspective a bit you can play around with the following map showing the amount of proper fishing boats plundering the worlds oceans...and remeber these arent just smaller local fisherman but larger commercial boats..Its interesting to see the amount of pressure on the pacific ocean and immediately to our North around Indonesia and Timor...

    Apparently around half of the boats on all the worlds fishing fleet are Chinese...just imagine with the rise of the developing countries and their quickly emerging middle class lifestyles what effect that will have on the worlds resources and the oceans fisheries...India, pakistan, Indonesia, thailand and others will likely follow China's blueprint to wealth creation and creat masses of middle class people that will demand more "stuff) and a better diet including seafood...

    Personally i think this is a bigger threat then Global warming and also comes with the risk of fighting for global resources...the current world energy crisis and Russias war on Ukraine surely should start to get us to think more about looking after ourselves first..

  9. #24

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    I take it you're not in favour of any pro fishing........

  10. #25

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    As I have said many times before, stop all exports of our seafoods and stop all imports of any seafoods...the commercial sector only supplies our domestic demand.
    License all rec fishers with a yearly license.
    Make all licensed fishers, both commercial and rec declare fish taken totals.

    Also I would like to see every 4th river system have a 12 month green zone applied.....every 12 months that green zone moves to the next river system clockwise around the country. This way every system is fully protected 25% of the time.

    International fishing boats should never have access to our territorial waters.

  11. #26

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    You need to realise there is all sorts of pro fishing, it's easy to say go to a jetty and catch a feed of fish, but where did the bait come from! How about a feed of King Prawns? There is no one size fits all, Lovey has touched on the answer, there is room for everyone, but we, as recs need to shoulder some of the blame, just saying ban pros is about as short sighted as can be.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    No I never said ban all pro's you silly old goat..!

    I said pay their licence out for any species that are being depleted...

    I obviously am not a fan of the destructive practices of many commercial fishing endeavours...

    Up here in FNQ the Coral trout numbers seem to be pretty healthy..and if biomass numbers on mixed reef , Nannigai and Red emperor etc are shown to be sustainable then then some form of commercial line fishing is OK for all these species..

    The East coast Spanish mackeral numbers has shown them to be in trouble so yes until they are back to good numbers no commercial fishing of them should be allowed....Doesnt that make sense to you Noel..?

    Snapper should be off the table for commercial fishing dont you think..?..the management of that species has been an absolute debacle..

    Hinchinbrook island should be off limits for commercial me its short sighted that for the sake of one or 2 Pro crabbers that the 1000's of rec guys that visit this amazing place catch stuff all crabs ..seems an easy fix to me but politics gets in the way..

    All I'm saying is Recs and Charter guys should have priority over Pro's if there is any qualms about sustainibilty of certain species........

    and the bait thing I have talked about before...besides bait-netting for fisherman, a staggering amount of sardine/pilchards/anchovy are caught and made into pellets and meal to raise fish in cages and dams which are often not very ecologically sound in their own right but thats all another story ..

  13. #28

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Therein lies the problem...again, you are just picking bits and pieces that suit your area, we ALL need to shoulder the load, just picking out pros because you don't like them, while saying recs should just carry on, is short sighted and about as selfish as you can get, from the "silly old goat!

  14. #29

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    Quote Originally Posted by tunaticer View Post
    As I have said many times before, stop all exports of our seafoods and stop all imports of any seafoods...the commercial sector only supplies our domestic demand.
    License all rec fishers with a yearly license.
    Make all licensed fishers, both commercial and rec declare fish taken totals.

    Also I would like to see every 4th river system have a 12 month green zone applied.....every 12 months that green zone moves to the next river system clockwise around the country. This way every system is fully protected 25% of the time.

    International fishing boats should never have access to our territorial waters.
    I have a chuckle everytime I hear this
    stop all exports of our seafoods and stop all imports of any seafoods
    - Clearly no understanding of our fishery .

    The reality is that Australia is not volume fishery (our waters are not nutrient rich) - However it is a quality fishery .

    Our seafood commands high prices around the world ........ so would you want to see someones livelyhood impacted by closing their lucrative export markets .

    Then there is affordability for the domestic markets (we are a low volume high cost producer)..... A lot of our seafood is imported (processed) something we don't do here. Or we get seafood imported from much more productive waters & at a reasonable price ...... I wouldn't eat Basa or Vannamei prawns - but for a lot of people , that's all they can afford .

    It's very easy to throw that line out ..... like Pauline Hanson does - but the reality is that we cant . We import more seafood than we export & those exports are worth much more than the domestic market would be willing to pay. Oysters are a great example of this ...... most of our oysters are produced for the domestic market with something like 5% exported ...... & yet we are paying $2 + each . Imagine the prices if all our seafood was for the domestic market .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #30

    Re: WA six Month Fishing Closure

    I have said this a thousand times (1001 now) it's a very emotive issue, they are not our fish, or the pros fish, it's very much a shared take, almost entirely, issue. Banning pros/buying out does not always solve the problem, lesser bag limits, bigger size limits, closed seasons and that sort of stuff is also not the golden answer, importing and exporting is not the be all to end all, charter fishing is in a way commercial fishing, it's a very finely balanced intermingled combination of all these things, and none of us are prepared to take the hard line, unless it's against someone else or someone else's area/state/favoured fish. As it stands, and this is a very tired, long dead horse, "we" as rec fisherpeople have bugger all hard data to base any argument on, and so far, I don't think we ever will the way these threads go.

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