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Thread: Stern Pad

  1. #16

    Re: Stern Pad

    Update, purchased a piece of hdpe/ polythene board online A4 size 20mm thick for $40 approx. Cut piece size I needed for tranny to fit to n ruffled up back as well drilled some recesses into back for adhesive.
    Roughed or should I say sanded bCk area of tinny I wanted it to sit n used marine sika.
    Mindyou I had to use tape to hold board in place till it cured so far so good.
    Secured tranny to this and test drive yesterday appears its done the job with time to tell.
    Will relate more on reason for wanting to move tranny later.
    There is 3M polyurethane 552 which is recommended but interested to know if sika would do ??.

  2. #17

    Re: Stern Pad

    Now reason for wanting the Tranny Moved or for a scond unit and a reposition of Tranny. My Tinny is a Seajay 5.2 Vision and fitted with it upon purchase came a Hummingbird 999 . Not the most user friendly unit but does a reasoanble job for most i want out of a unit with the only problem was the bottom would be lost at high speeds at times when weight was shifted onboard or under certain water conditions.
    I was told by other owners of same Boat that this is normal and one must reposition their tranny to a lower area to rectify problemo.
    Where seajay fit their transducer welded bracket seems a tad high under certain speedes with certain units or so it seeems.
    So research began to either try fix the problem or buy another different unit and have two sounders fitted to the boat which would mean both Transducers would have to be fitted to the same side of the Boat due to the Washdown pump pickup not allowing a clean stream of water on opposite side.
    Mindyou the Tranny on the 999 is one of those flat sidescan type Trannies rather than their Speed Trannies .
    Anyhow Problem Fixed after the reposition with the Polyurethane Board stuck to the bottom right centre of the Boat picking up bottom at any speed with the only problem now is my top Colourline had dropped about ten mm??.
    Not that it bothers me but a little annoying and hopefully there might be an adjustment i can do to get it back up top of the screen.
    Anyone know ?? would be appreciated otherwise will ring Hummingbird and query this .
    Caused by interference too close to the Motor ?? who knows ??. but at days end can live with it if need be..
    Tranny this time was fixed to the Board with Stainless self Tappers and if i go with the second unit the tranny there will be secured with Stainless threaded Inserts..
    I know life would have been easier had i drilled screw holes for the Tranny back of the Boat but the less holes drilled to back of my Tinny or anywhere the better for me ..

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