After reading giddyup58 how to rebuild a 146r post, I’ve decided to give rebuilding a 146r a go.I’ve bought a boat and have stored it at a mates place.He’s on a 8 acre block so grinding dust etc is not too much of a problem.
I’ve never done anything like this before so am doing a lot of research online and posting on forums
So far I’ve managed to remove the back top section of the boat,remove the floor and chisel out the old transom material (finished yesterday and forgot to take a photo).Hopefully in the next few weeks I can grind and clean up transom area ready to fit new material
I’m still unsure on weather to use ply or thermolite.Thermolite will blow the budget and extend the rebuild time a lot.Aussie plywood is almost as expensive as thermolite and I’m not sure about cheap imported ply .
When I do install the new transom of thinking of using a epoxy cream adhesive (Trojan fibreglass supplies) to bond the new material to the outer skin.For the rest of the build I will be using vinyl ester resin .I’ll just have to make sure I remove all traces of epoxy glue left on the hull.Don’t know why photos are rotated?
Any advice,tips etc will be appreciated