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Thread: Navionics Platinum or Garmin G3 Vision?

  1. #1

    Navionics Platinum or Garmin G3 Vision?

    Bit confused about which is the better mapping option for someone that fishes mostly inshore in Central Qld, with some offshore 50-60km out.
    I like the capability of accessing satellite imagery and/or being able to access my own and import to the plotter (like I currently do with Simrad and Lowrance), and the relief shading seems a no-brainer. Leaning toward Garmin 84 series.
    Has anyone used both or able to offer an opinion on why they chose one over the other?

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Kalbarri, WA

    Re: Navionics Platinum or Garmin G3 Vision?

    I have the Navionics platinum, haven't used the Garmin. The satellite imagery is only available on the very low zooms, and really only is of any use in the shallows, close-up, where it is brilliant. Just love it, I've used it to have great fishing inside reef where'the water was filthy and stirred up, but the overlay let me pick the big sand holes to kill it on spangleds, for example. Also in country where you have narrow deep channels through flats country on still overcast days.Typically, I only get it when the little zoom scale on the Axiom is down to 500ft, which means you are looking at about 2km across the screen. One thing to be aware of--when choosing the Satellite Overlay option, you lose some detail when zooming out, where it reverts to shading. The most important detail you lose, IMO, is your sanctuary zones and various chart borders, as well as the fine contour lines. When I'm operating close to a zone edge I just turn the overlay off, just a couple of taps in the chartplotter menu.

  3. #3

    Re: Navionics Platinum or Garmin G3 Vision?

    Great feedback mate, thanks

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