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Thread: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

  1. #1

    Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Decided to go for an overnighter up the Narrows to Maria Inlet Early Saturday Morning ..Cant say how cold it was motoring up the Harbour at fivish in the morning with a strong south westerly blowing up your rear even rugged up to the hilt !!.
    Loaded with Bait n lures expecting some nice Fish lol but not to be..
    Motored all the way from Gladstone , up through the Narrows and how glad to arrive , drop anchor and put on a hot Coffee as emptied the Thermos on the way up there trying to warm up..
    Weserlies persisited with nothing worthy of mention taking a bait even though had plenty of soundings on the sounder ,
    If one thought the trip up there was Cold !! Saturday Night under the cabin of the Mates Tinny , Dressed up with everything in the plastic carry bag , two pair of socks , two pair of tracksuit pants and a Husky jacket wrapped up in ye sleeping bag opened up and wrapped around . Just get warm and ye ole Prostate would let ya know it was time for another Pee!!'..
    cabin ceiling had so much moisture bulid up there would be the occasional drip drip onto cover lol.
    Up and out in the COLD!! for a short Dribble( Lost count on how many that night lol n back under wrapps again !! Feck it was COLD!!..
    Mindya was still good being out on the water trying to catch a Feed , Sausagees n Eggs for Din Din , bacon n Eggs for Brekky and shyteloads of hot Coffee.
    Sunday Morning that South easter was still playing payback so decided to head back home ,
    Plan was to have a Fish around local spots but that Sth Wester was worse n colder back in Gladdy that up at Maria.
    Pulled the Pin , went home for another Hot Coffee , Hot Shower , and think about the next trip lol..


  2. #2

    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Sounds like you still had a good time.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Sounds great and once the cold gets you it becomes way uncomfortable trying to keep warm in winter . Good on you for giving it a go , those snags look yummy. Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  4. #4

    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Haveta be ta be comfy and have a full belly of food and warm cuppa keep the interest alive lol..
    last trip up that way was a winner shame this one wasnt , but thats Fishing ey??.
    Come the warmer months plan to do a few days overnight explore that area real well.. Some really nice looking country with good overhangs to either tie up on or flick a lure under for a Barra.
    Thready area occasionally aslo..

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Sounds like one of those cold nights when 3 blokes huddle around a single filament cabin light and can feel the warmth.
    The first rays of sunlight feel like a welcome campfire.
    Aah... ya just gotta love it hey.
    Too bad about the fish.


  6. #6

    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Had some fun times camping up at Ramsays crossing (savage sandflies) - Good crabbing & OK fishing ...... but never felt that we got the best out of the Curtis Island area .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  7. #7

    Re: Saturday overnighter up the Narrows

    Lotsa realestate up that way Chris and yes some Sandies,Midgies n Mozzies ta keep one Company at times lol..narrows /Curtis can be Hit n Miss at times and haveta think like the Fish at times eg, where would they head for a Fish at Hight tide and where to wait for them as the tide runs out.
    Dirty water i like as grunter n Salmon use it to sneak up on their Prey..
    Look for Bait and thats where the Fish may be also etc..
    But Yes some Nice Country all through there ey..

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