2007 optimax in a 90 hp is there anything I need to be aware off as far as these engines go , anything that lets them down as far as reliability is concerned. Matt
2007 optimax in a 90 hp is there anything I need to be aware off as far as these engines go , anything that lets them down as far as reliability is concerned. Matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Yeh Matt - It's a Optimax& it's 15 years old
I cant really comment on the motor itself - you hear the good & the bad
How many hours though ? - hours & age would be my concerns ..... it would certainly need to have low hours & a good service history before I would consider one .
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Not buying new again and have a budget so starting to look for something much the same as my old bluefin just a tad bigger , the hunt has just begun . Heading north again next week then when we get back we are going to sell our van and buy another boat . Things have changed a little so I’m going to need another boat . Matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Yeah a later 4 stroke is on the list now , just starting to look at a few but won’t be ready to buy for another couple of months after we sell the van . We are heading north tomorrow heading to Hervey Bay to see some friends then Yeppoon ,Clairview and then Airlie for now , had to book way ahead as everywhere is busy so see where we end up . Matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Here's a little cheapy mate...got a Minn kota and alloy trailer as well..
My understanding from researching a little when I was looking at an Optimax powered Cootacraft was they are pretty much a bullet proof engine. The main areas of concern was to do with the hours on the fuel system air compressor and if not replaced at the scheduled interval would cause issue. The orbitial fuel system was pretty crafty and the Optimax are in no way related to Etec system. If the maintenance checked out and I could be bothered going back to filling two stroke oil occassionly I would pull the trigger on one if the boat was right.