I have a new red decal set for a 2 stroke 90hp Merc that I can pass on for the right price...
This style, but brand new.
I have a new red decal set for a 2 stroke 90hp Merc that I can pass on for the right price...
This style, but brand new.
It had red originally, I changed it to blue to match the boat.
The ones I got are $110 on the net and look great, I ordered a few and found quality varies greatly. I sold the extras for cost price locally in Perth.
I have a kit ordered which Ill keep aside for the future, but I think im going to leave it for now, its not too bad.
I just recently did mine and was surprised on how easy and how good it came up! It pays to be fussy with the sanding etc prior to painting to get a good result. I just need to now order sticker kit. E-bay for sticker kits? Do you know which supplier you used?
I just read the whole thread.....Think I got lucky with mine......
This one is good, for the front bit, buy the badge from a mercury dealer, makes a big difference to the quality