Originally Posted by
Not sure why the attacks? But honestly, I dont expect to come here and get professional advice.
I expect that most of us are amateurs, like me, with varying degrees of experience. From naively clueless as I realised now that I was when I started this, to the amateurs who have had a few goes and learnt a little and happy to share that knowledge. To yourself, an experienced professional
I think its fair to say that the advice I have received has been people genuinely trying to help me based on their personal experience.
Its up to me how I choose to use that advice, keeping in mind, this is the internet !
I have gathered knowledge from several places....
-This forum to bounce ideas off of people, and see what kind of varied opinions I get.
- I have a good mate who's knowledge I trust, and who I have been messaging through this experience.
- I have been doing my own research, and experiments.
After gathering all of the above, I make my decision as to what to do next, if it goes wrong, its on me and no one else.