Hi All,
So I'm at a cross roads with my choice to go bait caster.
I recently went through the pain of learning how to use a bait caster. I'm still learning of course, and still get birds nests, but I got it to a stage where my brake is at 30%, with no tension on the reel, and just using my thumb.
I fish on a boat in coastal waters off of Perth, Cockburn sound, drifting for squid in 2 to 10 meters, with jigs hanging over, flicking a squid rod with a squid jig or a bait caster with a lure for a fish.
Or I might anchor & burley over a structure, like 5 fathom reef, usually in 10 meters.
While the bait is in the water, I wanted to flick lures repeatedly to keep me busy.
With lures in open sea, distance is everything. I got 18lb dangan braid on this combo, a Shakespeare Agility $80 ...
BCF_366614-00_hi-res.jpg BCF_366614-01_hi-res.jpg
Thing is, my distance is not good, and I'm kind of thinking, what's the point ?
I'm still suffering the odd bird nests etc, and casting shorter than if I put the same jig on my light squid rod ? I'm not using light lures so that's a limitation, I'm using metal slices, and sometimes a medium weight hardbody.
Either, I give up on bait casters altogether, or I put money into it, and buy a $200+ combo for lighter jigs and better casting distance (any recommendations) ?
Before I decide, I wanted to hear what more experienced bait caster users think, would I be wasting my money, and bait casters are more suited to river fishing ?