Smidsy , get a small wet towel / cloth n wrap it once or twice around your braid n at the same time place some pressure on this area whilst winding line on your spool.
This will offcourse lay your braid on the spool under pressure as well as assist in removing whatever wax n colour additives off the braid leaving a cleaner line on the spool.
You either develope a love or hate relationship with baitcasters so dont give up lol.
I think i have more baitcasters than spin reels and at one time i went through simmilar dilema as you.
Some brand of baitcast reels you just cant control due to build and thumbing is a must.
They dont stay in my collection mostly or use for deep dropping only .
Carefull you dont overspool also as this will cause the same issues.
Anyway my two bobs worth.