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Thread: Who pays for fishing information

  1. #31
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    I havnt got one yet Barry so well done

    I don’t bait fish or troll and because I fish solo I don’t fish as hard or for as long when someone’s on the boat with me
    Easier to retrieve in the dark with two etc
    motivation to get up a bit earlier when it’s cold
    Steve, It probably wasnt the best fish to use to make a point but you get what what I mean..nagg adding "guide is also a very valid point...

    I have thought about paying for a local guide to show me how to lure up Barra around Hinchinbrook as it does annoy me a bit when I go into the local tackle store in Tully and Roly Newton always tells me he got 20 or 30 barra on his last half day trip ..albeit mostly of the smaller "rat" variety..but still.

    Sometimes you can watch the video's and read how its done but maybe someone thats really "in tune" reinforcing and adding some tips would just add the confidence thats sometimes necessary to keep persevering to get the eventual rewards..

    Seriously I'd give up if I went 14 trips without catching the target species..

    Some of us dont have that amount of time or patience to dedicate to one species in one environment so if I had to pay for a proper course or a guide to help me get to where I wanted to be I'd certainly consider it....I wish I had have done a charter with Ryan Moody before he "semi-retired"...Nagg was very fortunate to have a great mentor to show him the ropes with impoundment Barra...

    BTW, Chris the sounder skills course is $200 off if you purchase it from 1st-7th of May if you are interested....

  2. #32

    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    The whole guide thing is another kettle of fish ....... & I'll make the distinction between a charter & a guide . The experience IMO can be a world apart .

    Trout guides (freshwater) in NZ are something else - you learn along the way ..... stream craft , the why & the how ..... it really is tuition . Then fly fishing for trout is a hunt in the truest sense .
    Unfortunately in a lot of cases we don't get that here in OZ ..... You really need to do your homework on who you choose - otherwise it's just a charter. ..... take you to a spot & tell you to cast there or drop a line ...... that's certainly been my experience .

    There are some big names guides - that have their go to spots'll see them there - day in day out . But hey if it is about getting a client on the fish ..... I get it .

    I will say that if you want to target a species like barra , cod , trout (freshwater) , threadfin , fingermark , jew - it's probably worth spending the dollars & investing by going on a charter or using a guide.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    Well within a circle of 300km from me it’s trout cod yellas Redfin and carp
    So either keep trying or sell the boat and gear
    i have more luck on yellowbelly so not every trip had no action, just wasn’t any cod

    i don’t care if I go fish less,I’ve got nothing to prove to anyone
    I enjoy the day exploring zooming round in the boat and camping just as much
    I could have easily just rigged up a ball sinker and circle hook with cheese or chicken and caught fish earlier.
    but bait fishing tied to a tree bores me to death.

    I did a charter at mulwala and got my biggest cod at 84cm and learnt a few things.
    nothing extravagant just the guide new the waterway and had history of what bites when and where
    That’s the hole in my techniques time and experience

    if taking fish home or for photos is the measure of success then consider this
    One cod outfit is $1200 and that buys a lot of flathead fillets

  4. #34
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    "never assume you know it all" Is something I always say.

    if someone goes to the effort to create content then by all means they should earn something from it. If you can add their thousands of hours of experience to yours its like having fishing experience of 2 lifetimes under your belt instead of one.

    The best course I have purchased is Ryan moody sounder skills 2. not only does it show you what you dont know. but re-enforces what you do and gives you more confidence on the water to apply it

    Id consider myself a fairly experienced reef fisherman with 20y experience, but applying a few bits ive learnt from ryans course has helped me a fair bit. catching alot more fish in areas i haven't targeted in the past.
    I found his wonky hole course an immense waist of money though.

  5. #35
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex View Post
    "never assume you know it all" Is something I always say.

    if someone goes to the effort to create content then by all means they should earn something from it. If you can add their thousands of hours of experience to yours its like having fishing experience of 2 lifetimes under your belt instead of one.

    The best course I have purchased is Ryan moody sounder skills 2. not only does it show you what you dont know. but re-enforces what you do and gives you more confidence on the water to apply it

    Id consider myself a fairly experienced reef fisherman with 20y experience, but applying a few bits ive learnt from ryans course has helped me a fair bit. catching alot more fish in areas i haven't targeted in the past.
    I found his wonky hole course an immense waist of money though.
    Wonky holes you have to no we’re they are first and weither there alive or dead and they can turn up any were and any time for someone too have started a seminar on them seems a bit dodgy.

  6. #36
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex View Post
    "never assume you know it all" Is something I always say.

    if someone goes to the effort to create content then by all means they should earn something from it. If you can add their thousands of hours of experience to yours its like having fishing experience of 2 lifetimes under your belt instead of one.

    The best course I have purchased is Ryan moody sounder skills 2. not only does it show you what you dont know. but re-enforces what you do and gives you more confidence on the water to apply it

    Id consider myself a fairly experienced reef fisherman with 20y experience, but applying a few bits ive learnt from ryans course has helped me a fair bit. catching alot more fish in areas i haven't targeted in the past.
    I found his wonky hole course an immense waist of money though.
    Flex, those 2 courses are the only ones I have done..

    But I think the Sounder skills course will be crossed over with most of his courses (Barra, Threadfin,wonkies etc ) because its a large component of actual finding and identifying fish and finding wonkies etc....

    I got a bit out of the Wonky course but most info is also available on the bathymaps tutorials as well for much cheaper.. I had no idea about them previously and had never actually even looked for them and didnt know how to use my sounder good enough to bother as well as not even knowing where to start.....there is a bit of unnecessary stuff on anchoring, baits, knots etc to pad out the course..

    Did you find it a waste because you already knew the stuff anyway..?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris69 View Post
    Wonky holes you have to no we’re they are first and weither there alive or dead and they can turn up any were and any time for someone too have started a seminar on them seems a bit dodgy.
    Apparently a couple of different types of Wonkies Chris but the most common occurs in the vicinity of old between the Moody course and Bathymaps tutorials we are now pretty confident we can narrow down our search areas and how to find them on the sidescan...

    After that its just hours of grid searching likely areas in the hope of finding some..

    The handful we have found so far have not yielded any nannies yet but we also havent tried them after the wet season when there is likely to be a freshwater flow through them and this wet season has been a dud up here so they may remain "dead" until a decent wet season gets them pumping again....

    It remains a work in progress..

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    An admiralty chart will narrow down the search if you know what bottom make up your looking for but yes a needle in a hay stack to find and a good wet season to get them flowing to bring the food chain in for fish to hang around them.

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Who pays for fishing information

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Ehsman View Post
    Steve i have caught 3 meter plus Cod & i reckon each one of them would by worth over one thousand casts on average & that is over a lot of years.
    Thats a very big fish Barry. 3 metre plus!

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