I was having a chat yesterday with a bloke I've got to know (keen fishoe) & the conversation went to jew fishing .... He'd tell me he'd go away & usually get a fish a session .... fillet / cryovac & usually come home with a good feed of fish . Anyhow I raised the point of possession limits & I was surprised that he didn't know that such a thing existed & you can get pinged for what you have in your fridge etc back at your accommodation home etc .Didn't believe me & then started the ..... "This is wrong how can can they etc "
Now to be honest - I don't generally keep a lot of fish .... so I never really familiarised myself with the actual rules. ..... So I did & was totally surprised at what the rules actually state. With the exception of a few species like trevally , Flathead (other than dusky) , bass , blue swimmer crab & a few others - "The possession limit is the daily bag limit"
So it's 1 jewfish , 10 snapper , 5 mackerel etc . For those other species ..... "The possession limit is twice the daily bag limit "
As I said I'm taken by surprise & actually glad I checked the rules ....... as it would be easy to exceed these when you go away for a multidayer / extended trip specially on something like Jewfish (1 fish)...... 10 snapper is a good session - but when you are fishing for a week or more .... it's not a lot.
Anyhow I guess it's a wake up call to know the rules .... not just size & bag limit ..... but also the possession rules .