Last Thursday Missus n i went Grunta Hunting n first Fish she caught was some Huge Blubber Lip thing which looked like a cross between a Bream n Grunter ??.
Anyhoos decided to keep it see what it was n whats it tasted like ??.
Without going further into what was caught for the day i shall go straight to the filletting table.
Proceeded to fillet from the shoulder back along towards the tail when the knife slips over a scale or something and ended up with a cut n a deep wound on the inside of the arm ( soft side of arm ).
Bandaged thoroughly n tightly stop the bleeding then after all filletting finishedi unwound all the bandaging , washed and cleaned.
In hindsight maybe i should have gone straight to the Doctors and let them clean the wound ??.
Next day was the Doctors visit to be told what a wand wanderfull job i had done cleankng the wound.
Asked about Antibiotics be on the safe side to be informed they werent needed.
That night wound became sore with blackush discolourisation of skin ??.
Back to Doctors to have wound cleaned again , inspected and a script for Bacterial Infection.
Three /four nights without a proper sleep from pain with today Kids insisting i go to Hospital get wound further inspected and X-Rayed.
Informed to give the Antibiotics time to work and if not better in day or so get scans done of wound.
Pain at times is quite unsettling!!n quite painfull.
Arm is still discoloured which im told is bruising.
So the idea of this post is for all us old Farts mostly is if you get cut whilst Filletting or Fishing , dont just think its okay and like most times in the past will heal on its own.
Get it seen too , inconvenient i know but may save harsher inconvenience futher down the track !!.
Hope i havent been a bore with this post.