Anyone onboard use these for sussing out Fishing Territory??..
Worth the asking Registrattion fees??.
Anyone onboard use these for sussing out Fishing Territory??..
Worth the asking Registrattion fees??.
It really depends on what you want to do with them and how good they are in your area..
The best use is sitting at home scoping out likely areas on your big screen TV and then transfering those points to your GPS so you can refine your search areas..
Its good for looking for Wonky holes and underwater streambeds in GBR waters..
The tutorials are also great..
The downside is its time consuming to find the points and then have to put them in your GPS and when you transfer areas onto your phone or tablet they only last for 10 days and then you have to do it again...
Also some areas have higher resolution then others..
Navionics which can be used on your phone and tablet is easier to deal with and is a good backup navigation tool in case your GPS ever craps itself whilst out on the water...
It looks like Garmin maps are moving more towards a subscription model so they can extract yearly fees for any updates and upgraded technology..
In our area the bathymaps is worth subscribing for a year so you can scrutinise the area thoroughly for potential wonky hole areas and go through the tutorials about how to find them...
All this new mapping technology is really awesome but remember being able to properly set up,utilize and fine tune your sonar and transducer is equally important is the choice of transducers for the type of fishing you do and its use ie side scan etc...
If you are not sure that you are getting the most out of your sonar then maybe doing a course like Ryan moody's Sounder skills 2 can help as can searching youtube for various tutorials but the good thing about Ryans for us is that its very specific for the type of fish and ground that we are targeting in FNQ...I was quite amazed when i did this course how much I actually picked up..
Have fun with the new rig..![]()
Thanks Mate and Wonky Holes Yes , Fishing marks No as have that many i will never evr be able to fish them all lol as keep or used to keep going back to the same ole same ole
The tutorials are also great..spots that produced what i was after ..
Spied bathy maps re an add or one of many adds that keep popping up on ones PC and thought ide suss them out further .
After a few yayatube vids looked worthy of further investigation ??..
I do have Navionics both on Sounder and phone as well as tablet .
Some of the Graphics displayed on Bathy maps looked /looks worthy of sussing out canyons , drops and peaks etc in ones local area worthy of investigating i would think ey..
mate , most of the data used by Bathymaps and Navionics, Garmin, relief shading etc is freely available on this just have to learn how to use it.. ...
With the Garmin active captain you can also make your own detailed charts while you are grid searching your chosen areas...
Hi Sam, here is an example shared by a Geoscience dude on a Ryan Moody forum about how to use the various layers ....but apparently it only works well on computer and not on a phone...cheers Scott
You can also view MARS marine sea sediment samples and associated data through this platform.Example, to view the latest compilation of Bathymetry on the GBR:1. Click the link and navigate to the top left of the page and click on the “layers” button2. Click on “Map Layers”3. Click “Elevation and Depth” (this is where you can find all the bathymetery surveys ever funded by taxpayers within Aus).4. Click “Bathymetery – Compilations”5. Navigate to “Great Barrier Reef Bathymetery 2020 30m” Click the ‘+’ symbol and click ‘add to map’6. Click anywhere on the map to view the latitude and longitude of a given point in Decimal degrees.To view MARS sediments go to layers - Map Layers - Sedimentology - MARS sediments - "add to map' and 'Legend'.If you are familiar with free GIS software's such as QGIS, you can also download this data and colour/shade it however you like, for free. Be wary the resolution of a given survey is given at the end of its name, in this case 30m refers to 30m between data points (surveyed depth), some multibeam surveys have resolutions down to the metre scale, these can also be viewed on Geoscience Australia’s data portal.Furthermore, to extinguish some of the cross-brand hate, all relief shading maps within Australia are all sourced from this data – this means that the underlying data on your Garmin G3, C-Map, Navionics or Bathymaps chart is essentially the same, with the only differences being the chosen color stretches and any processing that was done after the data was downloaded which usually involves compressing the data down to a size usable on an SD card resulting in even lower resolution. Navionics Sonar Chart is the only exception as it's built on a combination of this data and on publicly sourced bathymetry
Try this mate....
All good.
Some not much, but I don't upload mine either (not giving away my hard work) ... and that's the issue with it I think. No benefit to give away what you have if nothing to get back in return. IF Garmin (Navionics) were smart, they'd provide a 'credit' for area uploaded, with said 'credit' to be used to update map products later etc. WIN WIN for everyone!
What MFD are you running? I have an Ultra 125sv.
I run Navionics app on my phone for "relief shading" both 'on the lounge' (scoping new ground) and 'on water' (navigating to area I want to investigate) and while I sound around (side scan and 2d) I'm running the QuickDRAW recording, so my maps in my MFD get the detailed contours in the area based off the 'relief shading'.
Navionics App $35 / year. Garmin g3 vision ... $299. So the above 'process' means I'm running the up to date 'relief shading' and getting the detailed contours without the price tag.
Be interesting to see the new Navionics+ maps and price points. Users in the states are reporting its purely an annual subscription that you lose if you don't renew the subscription. Prices being reported are up near the g3 vision cost.
When my wife calls, tell her I'm in "Ah Me Ting"
Ah Me Ting = 2019 Quintrex 420 Renegade (Tohatsu 50hp 2 Stroke)
BTW thanks Brett...just trying to make the most of finding what technology is out there and how to best use it...the missus actually spends a lot of time going over bathymaps, the sonar courses and showing me what she has learnt...she is smarter then me...
Ah Me Ting..we just have a pair of 95 sv hooked up together with a GT 51 and 54 transducers..
Your unit certainly is a nice one for a little tinny...I havent used one so I cant compare how much better they are then the 95...what are your thoughts on that besides the obvious screen size..?
and like you say..currently there is no incentive for uploading your hard work of running back and forth scouring bottom....too much hard work to just give away..
Yep I think your way running with navionics is a good idea while out on the water for now...we have a tablet as well which is a bit better then the phone....I'm not sure why bathymaps havent done up an app yet to make it more user friendly...
Be interesting to see what happens now that navionics has been acquired by can only imagine the price point for subscriptions will rise..but surely they will streamline the mapping and make it available for use on Garmin units....