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Thread: mechanical trailer brakes

  1. #1

    mechanical trailer brakes


  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    cooloola cove

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    I have seen grease go black on the hubs with brakes. Changed to high temp grease and all good. Now use oil hubs and no problems.
    I dont remember the stubs going black though! Some body will chime in soon. best of luck on your trip.

    ps. once towed 3ton caravan from brisbane to appletree ck with the van handbrake on. Now that is hot.lining was wafer thin grease ok(?) stubs still good.

  3. #3

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    I've seen that result before, do you use kerosene to wash your parts by any chance?

  4. #4

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes


  5. #5

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes


  6. #6

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Are u using marine grease col? Sounds as if someone has used non marine grease

  7. #7

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes


  8. #8

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    I only use two brands of grease Castrol and Valvoline, i used some white tube grease when i broke down tho

    Even if water got into your machined surface i'd imagine the grease would stop any rust forming as rust on steel wetted with grease will show as black

    Could u have picked up a shopping bag sucked thru the seal and melted around the machined surface?

  9. #9

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Fùck Gaz. No wonder you've had trouble with your trailer bearings if there is enough space for a Woolies bag to get past your seals.


    Also it's axle. Axel is a ice skating thing.

  10. #10

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Short... the old shopping bags not the recyclable bags

  11. #11

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Sorry to hijack this post in any way but what i would like ta know is how do you stop that freversing latch from popping out when reversing and make it harder to reverse your trailer with brakes latching on.
    Illegal to cabletie it in place..
    Just took mine off , sanded a tad flattter and tightened tghe feckker up more ..

  12. #12

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Sorry to hijack this post in any way but what i would like ta know is how do you stop that freversing latch from popping out when reversing and make it harder to reverse your trailer with brakes latching on.
    Illegal to cabletie it in place..
    Just took mine off , sanded a tad flattter and tightened tghe feckker up more ..
    If your latch is like mine you can add a thin star washer between the latch and the mount then a spring washer under the nut and adjust that to a firm tightness, that should stop your problem...if not then replace the existing washer with a heavy duty spring washer and tension it the same.

  13. #13

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes


  14. #14

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Thanks all have done the above as well as take out a bit of a bend in the latch will see how it goes next time i try reverse back up my driveway..

  15. #15

    Re: mechanical trailer brakes

    Black is almost certainly carbon.
    Could be from friction caused by pitted bearing housings or even pitting within the bearings themselves.Also check the axle stubs and washers are not pitted.Yes it could be contained grease. If you rub 2 sticks together to make fire the wood will go Black well before it gets too hot, same with steel.It goes orange when it’s hot !
    Keep Ya Tip UP

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