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look how desperate the americans are getting
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Thread: look how desperate the americans are getting

  1. #1

    look how desperate the americans are getting

    Just today i was reading about people fuming over jetskis taking longer than expected to import and swapping dealers that promiss a quicker deliver

    Look at this bloke 10k x 2 USD extra because hes desperate
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  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Mar 2019

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    A quick search says he runs Smith Marine Group, and the 425 Yamahas are outboards. A likely explanation is he has a commercial client - charter boat operator or similar - who needs new engines and is losing money every day they don't have them.

    Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Sucks when you draw the short straw and have to pay a premium, but them's the breaks.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Huge waiting lists on the larger HP stuff of any brand in the US. Just reading between the lines on THT, Suzuki seem to be the best, but still at least 3 months, then Yamaha next worst,( 12 months or more on 300hp?) then Merc, due to the phenominal success of their new range. You'll get new price, or better on low hours s/hand, but what will you then put on your transom? Builders putting motors on new transoms have always had first dibs on motors in the US, re-powers are well down the list.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    one person wanting something in a hurry does not need a new post of more sensationalist rubbish

    they are 45k usd each plus rigging whats another 5k each

    i ordered a toyota today and it is going to take 5-6 months "maybe"
    people are paying above to try and get cars sooner are australians desperate too ?

  5. #5

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    one person wanting something in a hurry does not need a new post of more sensationalist rubbish

    they are 45k usd each plus rigging whats another 5k each

    i ordered a toyota today and it is going to take 5-6 months "maybe"
    people are paying above to try and get cars sooner are australians desperate too ?
    I hope you have a clause specifically in your contract where the dealer can’t change the price after the car arrives. I’ve heard some horror stories in the past year of dealer making people wait up to 11 months to see their new cruiser only to add many thousands on top of the original agreed upon price once that car lands.

    Apparently it was in the fine print and people either had to eat the extra cash or go back to another dealer and get to the back of the line because others were waiting too and were prepared to pay overs.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    I hope you have a clause specifically in your contract where the dealer can’t change the price after the car arrives. I’ve heard some horror stories in the past year of dealer making people wait up to 11 months to see their new cruiser only to add many thousands on top of the original agreed upon price once that car lands.

    Apparently it was in the fine print and people either had to eat the extra cash or go back to another dealer and get to the back of the line because others were waiting too and were prepared to pay overs.
    I cant see that clause happening can a dealer guarantee the price of a car or boat and accessories they are ordering from a distributer or factory will not rise in 6-12 months when they finally receive it...

    There is probably a clause in almost all contracts now to say that there may be price rises for a future delivery due to any number of reasons ....some would be quite valid and some could be seen as profiteering but its a fact that prices are quite volitile in this uncertain world we are living in....

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    I can’t see anything like that written in the contract
    they can cancel it for various reasons as can I but nothing about being forced to pay more

  8. #8
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Weird Steve, there have been a number of complaints I read on various boat forums about increased costs upon delivery after build delays above what was signed up on with the original deposit...some of many thousands ..

    Given that raw aluminium prices have risen from about US$2000 per tonne in early 2021 to nearly $3000 less then a year later plus the huge increase in container importation costs and rise in other costs like Outboards, its only to be expected..

    Some of the wait times seem to be 6-12 months and even more for some of the smaller Qld builders..

    How long is your wait time Steve..?

  9. #9

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    One would think if a dealer were to pull your shirt over the head like this they would either be sued or go bust, lots of people chose a dealer based on past reviews

    But it is a greedy world, rich today broke tomorrow as they say

  10. #10

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    While people are fighting each other for new outboards all around the world, i was just scrolling thru my feed on fb andthis came up dirt cheap too would be nice pushing a F233
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  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly;[URL="tel:1694402"
    1694402[/URL]]Weird Steve, there have been a number of complaints I read on various boat forums about increased costs upon delivery after build delays above what was signed up on with the original deposit...some of many thousands ..

    Given that raw aluminium prices have risen from about US$2000 per tonne in early 2021 to nearly $3000 less then a year later plus the huge increase in container importation costs and rise in other costs like Outboards, its only to be expected..

    Some of the wait times seem to be 6-12 months and even more for some of the smaller Qld builders..

    How long is your wait time Steve..?
    i guess the costs are fixed at time of order, maybe
    Dealer will let me know once it’s started build but their guess was end of may to mid June
    they are made in Austria so probably longer shipping then a Asian made car as the bulk of Toyotas are

  12. #12
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: look how desperate the americans are getting

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    While people are fighting each other for new outboards all around the world, i was just scrolling thru my feed on fb andthis came up dirt cheap too would be nice pushing a F233
    First week of the year and we are already back on Fantasy Island...


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