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Thread: The prep and painting thread, Caribbean V19

  1. #76
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: The prep and painting thread, Caribbean V19

    Gaz, do you intend on glassing on your custom lowered leccy mount before or after you finish off the hull..?

  2. #77

    Re: The prep and painting thread, Caribbean V19

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Gaz, do you intend on glassing on your custom lowered leccy mount before or after you finish off the hull..?
    I wasn't going to comment any more on this thread but, how low can you go. If he gave it some thought he can only lower it as far as he has clearance when the leccy is in the horizontal position, which is maybe 70 mm at most.

  3. #78

    Re: The prep and painting thread, Caribbean V19

    I wasn't going to use a sanding flap disc i'll grab one of those cob web looking wheels in a light grading

    The elec leg is up for sale if i can sell it i'll get the remote haswing 80lb model for $900 or i may get the watersnake 65lb geo spot lock model for $1700

  4. #79

    Re: The prep and painting thread, Caribbean V19

    Has been non stop raining here my yard keeps flooding 2-3inches deep as it pools up, left the tarp off the other day andit poured down some leafs blocked my bung hole and ####ing bingo warer pushed into my stringers which was very depressing, the drain holes in the rear sides of my stringers had leafs stuck in the drain holes i have no idea how much water pushed thru or at what height

    If i rebuild this boat in 5 years time or if i rebuild another boat for my self its goibg to be all foam core

    I will get around to stripping the paint soon

    For those wondering maybe fuel on the fire for the knobs of this for, the competition had 33 votes for splash of 2021 i got 0 votes on a forum

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