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Thread: Merc optimax 90hp

  1. #16
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    [/B]Nope, it clearly says 0% I can assure you, zero oil, the motor is toast, people call it "limp mode" but in reality it's RPM reduction, telling you the motor is sick and the alarm either failed or was ignored, continue limping and your in trouble, that said, lots of motors go into RPM reduction because of a failed sensor, but, you need to know, you could have litres of oil left, but the motor is not receiving any, it will fail with dire consequences.
    Correct no oil equals catastrophic failure , my old 140Suzuki I was shares in was lent to someone they took the boat out of bribie and ran it dry of self feeding two stroke and melted the big end to the crank so bad it had to be welded up and repaired and was never the same . This is the reason I never share boats and never lend boats , I also would never buy a rebuilt engine ever at least on a boat . Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  2. #17
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by bluefin59 View Post
    This is the reason I never share boats and never lend boats , I also would never buy a rebuilt engine ever at least on a boat . Matt
    Thats good advice not to lend boats, mowers or wives...

  3. #18

    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Wives are only lent out on one returns permitted. Transfer of registration will be permanent.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    ran a 90 opti for a while and while i run forstokes now i would rate it as the best 2 banger i ever had and the fuel econ wa exceptional.

    What I can say is there are some tricks to seting them up. Mine was rigged new and i was happy with it and i thought it was pretty good for a 2 stroke. Anyhow a change of residential address lead me to get it serviced at another dealership, the owner gave me a call and asked if i would be interested in dropping some coin on a refit as when doing the service he noticed some thing " he would do differently when fitting up" I wasnt sure but decide to trust him and spent the extra coin over the service. All i can say is WOW it was like it had 20 more horse power and got better economy. If you get one definately get some who "knows" opti's to set it up correctly. apprently they respond to expectional fit up protocls like big fuel lines without bends or kinks and loads of pure clean 12 volt power with solid clean wiring connections. I know mine was like two different engines.


  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    The oil res under the cowling gravity feeds if oil is in there it goes into limp mode
    The alarm is for the oil sensor under the cowl failing so a visual inspection of oil in the cowling tank would still get you safely home

    well until that reserve tank empties

    there is an additional alarm for the vacuum system which transfer oil from the main tank to the reserve

    im at work so don’t have time to look up the link that gave the info will look for it in a few days

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    [/B]Nope, it clearly says 0% I can assure you, zero oil, the motor is toast, people call it "limp mode" but in reality it's RPM reduction, telling you the motor is sick and the alarm either failed or was ignored, continue limping and your in trouble, that said, lots of motors go into RPM reduction because of a failed sensor, but, you need to know, you could have litres of oil left, but the motor is not receiving any, it will fail with dire consequences.
    Nope, reserve under cowling was full and still feeding fine, it only went into limp mode when the sensor said it was at 30% and we never actually went to zero, keeping in mind the level in the reserve never actually dropped at all, the sensor just told it that it was running out slowly, as Steve said it gravity feeds out of that tank so if there’s oil in the tank it’s getting oil. The mercury dealer went through it all with us and explained that it goes in to limp mode at 30% to reduce the amount of oil being used so you can get home. As I said, at no point did we even come close to running out of oil, and we stopped every 15 minutes to take the cowling off and check, you clearly have no clue about the matter yet you keep trying to tell me I’m wrong, I can assure you at no point did we run without oil.

  7. #22

    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Not going to argue the point, just read carefully what you said the mechanic told you...over and out.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Not going to argue the point, just read carefully what you said the mechanic told you...over and out.
    😂😂 just like a woman, leave the room instead of admitting you’re wrong

  9. #24

    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobbo1 View Post
    Had an 05 Opti 135, my dad has had a lot of boats and described it as the best outboard he's had, we ran it for about 300 hrs (560 when we sold it) only real issue we ever had was the level sensor in the oil tank (1 litre) under the cowling played up one day in Moreton Bay, as soon as it gave the error we headed home and hit 30% mark it went into limp mode even though it was full and still feeding from the under floor tank, but still allowed us to get home. Had to buy a whole tank as the sensor wasn't sold separate which cost just under $1000. The guy at the dealership told us even if it went to 0% it would have just stayed in limp mode but continued to run.
    See where you said 0% that is NO oil, not a failed sensor, not a broken oil system, NO oil, limp home all you like, NO oil the motor is rooted, limping or not, that's final word from me, you can dispute what you said, you call me names, but please don't make things up, I've been in this rodeo for a very long time.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    See where you said 0% that is NO oil, not a failed sensor, not a broken oil system, NO oil, limp home all you like, NO oil the motor is rooted, limping or not, that's final word from me, you can dispute what you said, you call me names, but please don't make things up, I've been in this rodeo for a very long time.
    🙄 not sure how else to get this through your thick skull, at NO POINT did we run out of oil, the level in the reserve tank DID NOT DROP, the sensor failed and began to think it was running out, quite a common issue with these things if you google it. I put another 300 hours on this thing after this incident (which was fixed by replacing the sensor that failed). I don’t care how long you’ve been in this rodeo, you’re ignoring basic mechanics and acting like you know all about it even though you weren’t there at the time, I’m not making shit up and I really couldn’t give a #### if some stubborn old fool on the internet believes me or not, I was just trying to help you see reason but that’s clearly beyond you and all your wisdom after spending so much time in this rodeo. Let me reiterate, at NO POINT DID I RUN WITHOUT OIL.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Cobbo1 View Post
     not sure how else to get this through your thick skull, at NO POINT did we run out of oil, the level in the reserve tank DID NOT DROP, the sensor failed and began to think it was running out, quite a common issue with these things if you google it. I put another 300 hours on this thing after this incident (which was fixed by replacing the sensor that failed). I don’t care how long you’ve been in this rodeo, you’re ignoring basic mechanics and acting like you know all about it even though you weren’t there at the time, I’m not making shit up and I really couldn’t give a #### if some stubborn old fool on the internet believes me or not, I was just trying to help you see reason but that’s clearly beyond you and all your wisdom after spending so much time in this rodeo. Let me reiterate, at NO POINT DID I RUN WITHOUT OIL.
    Oh and just in case you didn’t understand, I never ran out of oil. This was checked very frequently by stopping and removing the cowling to verify on the way back to the ramp to ensure we didn’t.

  12. #27

    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    OK, see you all around some time....can't argue with someone who plainly typed something, but then says that's not how it is.

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Cobb you wrote the mechanic said if the oil dropped to 0 the engine would run in limp mode still

    It probably would for a few mins if your lucky, but would seize the engine

  14. #29

    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    Cobb you wrote the mechanic said if the oil dropped to 0 the engine would run in limp mode still

    It probably would for a few mins if your lucky, but would seize the engine
    My interpretation of what Cobbo meant to type was "The guy at the dealership told us#even if it (the sensor) went to 0% it would have just stayed in limp mode#but continued to run as oil was still feeding into the motor."
    THAT was how I read it as I also have the habit of dropping some words which can lead to misinterpretation.
    The oil sensor failing was quite common and there were work arounds. Had a mate who'd done it (the work around) and he ran it like that for several hundred hours before upgrading his motor.

    Now what was the original question posted?

  15. #30
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Merc optimax 90hp

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    OK, see you all around some time....can't argue with someone who plainly typed something, but then says that's not how it is.
    Literally two sentences prior to what you highlighted: “even though it was full and still feeding from the under floor tank”

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    Cobb you wrote the mechanic said if the oil dropped to 0 the engine would run in limp mode still

    It probably would for a few mins if your lucky, but would seize the engine
    see above

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    My interpretation of what Cobbo meant to type was "The guy at the dealership told us#even if it (the sensor) went to 0% it would have just stayed in limp mode#but continued to run as oil was still feeding into the motor."
    THAT was how I read it as I also have the habit of dropping some words which can lead to misinterpretation.
    The oil sensor failing was quite common and there were work arounds. Had a mate who'd done it (the work around) and he ran it like that for several hundred hours before upgrading his motor.

    Now what was the original question posted?
    Thanks Dig, glad to see someone can read an entire post around here. And yes, way off topic after I simply tried to provide some input based on my experiences, only to be told I’m making things up and that I’m wrong in every way, this forum really has become a joke, a bunch of people sitting around in a pissing contest.

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