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What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?
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Thread: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    With Christmas approaching who’s handed the wife over something to wrap up on half of Santa ?

    probably only applies tot hose who still have kids at home.

    this is the first year I haven’t done it and they have fit me something fishing related so will have to wait and see if all the past things I’ve bought have rubbed off on them

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Apparently new Talica outfit in American English translates to American Bulldog pup from an american wife...

    oh well he is a cool little guy though..

    i might get a Talica next year..


  3. #3

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    I tell the extended family to give me BCF vouchers. For Xmas, birthday and Fathers Day. Trouble is, I’ve done so little fishing this past 12 months that I never spend them.

  4. #4

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Great looking dog Dis
    Not all tools are usefull.
    Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Quote Originally Posted by tug_tellum View Post
    Great looking dog Dis
    Thanks mate..his mum and dad are great looking dogs too..we have just had him a month...he has such a lovely gentle nature and he snuggles up to me at night....I dont quite know how that will work when he reachs 100-120 pound though.....

  6. #6

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Quote Originally Posted by gunna View Post
    I tell the extended family to give me BCF vouchers. For Xmas, birthday and Fathers Day. Trouble is, I’ve done so little fishing this past 12 months that I never spend them.
    I'm sure you have my address, if not I'll send it to you again, I know exactly what to spend it on. Well, I'd have to look around first for quite a while.

    Having Christmas at our daughters place this year and she decided that she wanted to play secret Santa. Her reasoning is that my SIL and daughter go overboard so my daughter has stipulated a $30 limit and that will be THE ONLY PRESENTS at her place. I drew of all people my SIL and my wife drew me, I promptly handed over the new reel of braid I bought and told her to wrap it. The stupid thing is that the web based secret Santa draw then asks you to set up shopping lists and hounds you all the time if you don't. I told my daughter that I wasn't impressed and had ignored the damn thing so I have no idea what my SIL had on her list but she is getting what I bought.

    I'm getting to be a Grinch these days and I so used to enjoy Christmas but everything is so overboard now, the message of Christmas has gotten lost and overtaken with greed and one upmanship.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Apparently new Talica outfit in American English translates to American Bulldog pup from an american wife...

    oh well he is a cool little guy though..

    i might get a Talica next year..

    Wow ,nice dog . Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  8. #8
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Yeah ..he is a little beauty, Matt..he is only 4 months old and already taller then my old faithful staffy and developing good shape and muscularity..

    I'm quite enamored with the little bloke..

    20211210_145435 (3).jpg

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Orbital polisher (polish boat and car)

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  10. #10

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Fleece lined trousers for those late winter night fishing runs.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    I'm getting to be a Grinch these days and I so used to enjoy Christmas but everything is so overboard now, the message of Christmas has gotten lost and overtaken with greed and one upmanship.
    Agree with you there that's for sure. I'm the same, but luckily now days the kids and parents live a fair way away from each other so Christmas is now getting to be more about the catchup, the gifts are now bottles of rum to share, and full traditional food, so it's now more about the time and experience than the gifts.
    As we're all grown up (in age) we tend to buy what we want when we want it, so anything wrapped under the tree is more of a faux pas than anything.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    I'm with Gunna.
    Got quite a few vouchers laying around. Always a welcome gift.
    Couldn't think of anything I needed..... until I did my overdue safety checks.

    Replacing almost everything and might even get change for a bag or two of softies.

    And in case I forget
    Stay safe.


  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Lucky Kids ...11 and 7 years old.....This local Mission Beach fella helped save the life of Glen Dickson a few years back after a Bullshark attack at Eva Rock when they were spearfishing together, then he himself was attacked by another bullshark out at the reef a year or so ago....

    Nice one Rick...guess thats one way of getting a second boat past the wife...

  14. #14

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    5ft tall thin build long blonde hair chick will pop out of the biggest box holding a new Stella

  15. #15

    Re: What fishing related gift is Santa bringing this year ?

    Bah humbug.....get off my lawn.......30 or so freeloaders at my place for lunch, hot ham, turkey, pork, chicken, prawns, crabs, every vegetable known to man, way too many desserts, everyone will eat, swim, drink my beer then have to shoot off to some other function and leave the mess.......bah humbug.

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