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Tempory Shade
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Thread: Tempory Shade

  1. #1

    Tempory Shade

    Is there such a beast on the market !!??.. Some Temporary shade till one organises something more appropriate
    My Newly aquired 5.2 Seajay Centre Console has a Teetop which is okay whilst one is driving along and sitting in the centre but when come to the stop for this time of the Year like right now whilst we are experiencing this f#######rking Hot Spell i wouldnt mind something one can hoist up quick and get the Grandkids , Missus and whomever else is out for the ride under shade./.
    Yep could use a beach brolly but been there done that !!..
    Mindya i am planning on some pro work top get more cover up but doubt ill get anyone do anything till well after the new year lol.

  2. #2

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Trying a couple of extendable tent poles with lightweight plastic 2.3 x 2.9m in length with poles in the rear rod holders .. Dont look great and flaps about somewhat but might do the job for few hours so long as ya dont get up and move on lol..

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Tempory Shade

    The joys of a center console
    it is as far from a family friendly boat as you can get
    decent sun clothing for everyone and avoid the peak in heat time of the day

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Tempory Shade

    For a temporary fix you could secure some poles or brackets in both aft corners and when stopped, insert pole and just connect a cheap tarp to each pole and secure/tie off at the t-top frame. Take down when travelling and ensure grandkids etc have decent hats and sunscreen. The most time you will need the cover is when stopped

    I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. If I could draw it I would.

    Cheers and good luck

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  5. #5

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Yes Mate n thanks for that . That idea has and still is being put to the test.
    Kinda works okay but trouble is trying to get the corners tight a tad. Propably fix that problemo with extra eyelets in the right part of the shade cloth/tarp area.
    Another idea crossed the mind was one of those 4x4 pull out awnings though might be tad bulky ??. Not expensive either.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Volvo, you might be able to mount and adapt one of these to suit..

    The housing and components are aluminium so it should last a while..and retractable so quick to erect/take down..

    Pretty cheap too so might be worth a look..

    Nothing worse then frying in a centre console in midsummer..

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Seaforth QLD & Cairns

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Interested in your experience with the Beach Umbrella set up.
    I've looked at Ryan Moody's set up using fitted tubes and a beach umbrella mounted into the front of the console and like the idea. From memory, he does mention somewhere that you need to buy decent umbrellas for the sturdiness. Our next 'upgrade' will be from the side console to a center console, but I don't like the T Tops for the same reason your talking about, as well as getting up tight estuaries chasing crabs. My other option was to use a bimini that folds down flat same as what I've got for the side console.

  8. #8

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Shade 1.jpg

    I use a temp umbrella set up on my Haines over the casting deck. Pretty simple set up with a new holder welded to the leaning post that allows me to secure the umbrella when it is a little windy. Had it in wind up to 15 knots while anchored at Moreton for lunch/swims. Umbrella is just from the pool selection at Bunnings and seems sturdy enough with no steel components to rust and give 3 m coverage. I am actually changing the set up this year and going with a biminit that I can relocate in two position - normal over the console for shade while trolling and driving and then another mount position over the cast deck that will be a quick set up. I may stay with the umbrella as well for hot days rafted up at Moreton.
    Seen a few solutions that comprise of poles in rod holder type mounts and shadecloth going the entire length but for stationary use only.

    Shade 2.jpg

  9. #9

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Yep Beach umrella might be okay for one person but for more than one they are more of a pain than anything else lol.
    Been there done that on the Fishraider till i had the Bimini put up and that worked a treat. Down when your home and up when Fishing .
    had three brollies initiall and ended up with one at days end ..
    Might give that Kings Awning a try till i get a professional job done.. No rush just wanted something for the Holidays and Grandkids ..
    As fer crabbing ?? have two pots and got rid of most due to the stress of others who like the sharefarming aproach !!..
    They can afford a Boat n everything that goes with it and cant afford ta buy Crabs if they cant catch em "Feckin F#ckwits" is what i calss them as lol..
    Gues Some Mothers Do, have em..

  10. #10

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Quote Originally Posted by shakey55 View Post
    For a temporary fix you could secure some poles or brackets in both aft corners and when stopped, insert pole and just connect a cheap tarp to each pole and secure/tie off at the t-top frame. Take down when travelling and ensure grandkids etc have decent hats and sunscreen. The most time you will need the cover is when stopped

    I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. If I could draw it I would.

    Cheers and good luck

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums
    And it worked a treat 🙂 , only problem was trying to tension the forward ropes a tad too hard and the tent poles i was using aft in the rod holders broke the plastic tube In the rodholder.
    Will go buy some alloy ones make em a tad more solid.
    Shade today around midday was a godsend with the hurt the Sun was dishing out i can tellya.
    Now just need find out why my deckwas pump aint working ?? .
    Hope its only a fuse ??.

  11. #11

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    And it worked a treat 🙂 , only problem was trying to tension the forward ropes a tad too hard and the tent poles i was using aft in the rod holders broke the plastic tube In the rodholder.
    Will go buy some alloy ones make em a tad more solid.
    Shade today around midday was a godsend with the hurt the Sun was dishing out i can tellya.
    Now just need find out why my deckwas pump aint working ?? .
    Hope its only a fuse ??.
    Picked up a 3 metery in the intake lol

    What deck wash do u have Vol i was looking at getting one

  12. #12

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Buggered if i know the brand mate. Need to be a six inch gnome to get back n under of where they fit it !!!.
    Will try fuse first n if thats not the problemo will haveta do some research lol.

  13. #13

    Re: Tempory Shade

    All else works good n Boat rides n goes well so quite a happy little Vegemite so far.
    Grandaughter picked up a nice Grunter n had a triple hookup earlier where all three fish decided to do a Greek Kallamatyiano n everything was tangled n meshed up sunthin shocking.
    Sharp knife did the job nicely.

  14. #14

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Buggered if i know the brand mate. Need to be a six inch gnome to get back n under of where they fit it !!!.
    Will try fuse first n if thats not the problemo will haveta do some research lol.
    Usually the micro switch goes first, try wriggling the power in cables and if it fires, albeit intermittently it'll be the switch. Sourcing a replacement can be frustrating. Cheapy whole units are often cheaper than the switch for a well known brand, don't know why those little switches are so expensive. My last cheapie lasted 2 years, switch is going so will replace in total.

  15. #15

    Re: Tempory Shade

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    Usually the micro switch goes first, try wriggling the power in cables and if it fires, albeit intermittently it'll be the switch. Sourcing a replacement can be frustrating. Cheapy whole units are often cheaper than the switch for a well known brand, don't know why those little switches are so expensive. My last cheapie lasted 2 years, switch is going so will replace in total.
    Where is this Micro Switch located mate , can then suss it out..

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