Originally Posted by
Danf, after never having a pilot and then putting one in my 6.8 platey a couple of years back i recon they are game changers in terms of ease of running the boat. I've got a garmin reactor unit (no rudder sensor). I went to some extra trouble to ensure optimum placement, (forward, low and away from electrics etc) of the heading sensor. Getting this right is always going to involve some compromise in a small boat but my advice is be willing to sepnd some effort in doing what you can as it made a difference to performance for me, particularly at slow plane and in sloppy conditions. Also worth spending some time fiddling around on the lake getting the calibration and course graduations etc settings right for your circumstances I find myself using mine all the time, travelling between spots no matter how far, heading hold idling forward whilst on fish, really useful when your fishing solo etc. Great thing imo!!