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About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out? - Page 4
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Thread: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

  1. #46
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au;[URL="tel:1693438"
    1693438[/URL]]Steve you have owned this tesla for 2 weeks and its the best shit since sliced bread lol...
    random insult as you have nothing useful to Say ?
    i researched the car so know some information on battery tech.

    Rhule are Mexican made pumps distributed from the USA

  2. #47

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    You have 6 posts already on this page, Dimwit...and not one is about the actual topic...

    Have some respect for the bloke who is enquiring about the stabi and go away with your chronic gibberish...
    That is rich coming from you.

  3. #48

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Unfortunatly im unable to quote my post stating the chinese had 20 years to perfect lithium batteries some how you have just fast forwarded to today Steve see you only see what u want hows about reading all my post instead of nit picking every post i make

    If u havent noticed you pick at all my post and some how i reply picking at yours do u see the problem here? If i have to spell it out i will

  4. #49
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au;[URL="tel:1693446"
    1693446[/URL]]Unfortunatly im unable to quote my post stating the chinese had 20 years to perfect lithium batteries some how you have just fast forwarded to today Steve see you only see what u want hows about reading all my post instead of nit picking every post i make

    If u havent noticed you pick at all my post and some how i reply picking at yours do u see the problem here? If i have to spell it out i will
    Your the victim again I assume because this is another post that makes no sense

  5. #50
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Sorry to the post starter

    I’ve fished in what I thi I they call the 2050 now with a 115hp Yamaha7-8 times and it was a well fitted out boat and does everything my mate wanted from it fishing wise

    I’m sure a bugger version can only be better

  6. #51
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post

    If u havent noticed you pick at all my post and some how i reply picking at yours do u see the problem here? If i have to spell it out i will
    For heavens sake will everyone listen to Gazza and stop replying to anything (everything) he posts. ANYWHERE!. IN ANY THREAD.
    Might just stay on topic.
    Farcebook is the platform for shyte I'm told.
    DNFTT & this post intentionally ambiguous.
    Happy Gazza? Interpret it however you like.

  7. #52

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Its pretty simple pick at what i post and i'll just return the bull shit.

  8. #53
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Its pretty simple pick at what i post and i'll just return the bull shit.
    Post unrelated bullshit and you'll get a reply. So much better and mature to do neither. Honestly don't know why you bother with this site. Google/youtube answers all your questions. Can't think of a single instance you got amused/entertained/satisfied by anything on this site.

    Apologies to the op.
    Over & out.

  9. #54

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGurn View Post
    Post unrelated bullshit and you'll get a reply. So much better and mature to do neither. Honestly don't know why you bother with this site. Google/youtube answers all your questions. Can't think of a single instance you got amused/entertained/satisfied by anything on this site.

    Apologies to the op.
    Over & out.
    Why would i get kicks from being abused?

  10. #55

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Due to Christmas craze my test-drive gets postponed to early January (I have to travel to another city to do this, so it’s not that simple).
    Spoke to the dealer over the phone, and the good news is that theoretically I can get the boat I want much sooner, there is one unallocated available (just arrived), in the spec level I want, but…

    I’m seeking for an advice and wisdom of the crowd here not sure if I have to start separate thread for this, but on the other hand don’t want to start holy war debate “this brand VS that brand”. But…
    Originally I was going to get Yamaha 225/250 for this boat, because I have a nice large service centre nearby, but this Stabi dealer only works with Mercury and Honda. So basically if I want to deal with this dealer (and not bother with interstate dealerships, which is more complicated) I have a choice between Honda BF250 or Mercury 225/250. Honda is arriving much sooner, and with Mercury it’s a couple months wait (not critical to me, everything is better than 9-12months ). Both Honda and Mercury service centres are a fair bit drive from where I live, but only once a year, I can live with that if engine is good.
    I don’t have much personal experience with outboards at all, but basically my priorities are:
    1. Reliability
    2. Reliability
    3. Reliability
    4. Fuel economy
    in this particular order, not really interested about torque, top speed, weight etc.
    Do I miss much by not going Yamaha? Which is the better option out of the other two?

  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?


  12. #57
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    When I was after a new 200hp 2 years back I looked at those 3 plus suzuki..

    In the end I went with the Honda and apart with an initial issue with the telltale tube popping off inside the cowl it been good although I only have about 250 hours up so far..

    The Yamaha was the thirstiest motor in that size range by all reports..

    The Honda is my first 4 stroke so I have no valid opinion or experience with the other 2 sorry.....Most of my local charter and commercial boats run the Hondas and only have good stuff to say about them..

  13. #58

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    I have a good friend with a big Stabi cabin type with a Honda, he loves it, towed it all the way up to nth QLD two years ago, been in it lots of times, goes pretty well,'s still not my kind of boat, as I have said before.

  14. #59
    Ausfish Silver Member Ducksnutz's Avatar
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    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    I’ll list the donks I’ve owned that I rate from personal experience for 100HP Four strokes and over. 1 being the top.

    1. 135 Honda.
    2. 150 Yamaha.
    3. 100 Yamaha.
    4. 200 Suzuki.

    I did have a 2017 60Hp Mercury 4 stroke on my tinnie that I’d rather not talk about……PM if you want details as these threads never go well with brand loyalty.

  15. #60

    Re: About to order Stabicraft 2250 Ultra Centrecab. Talk me out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Islander77 View Post
    Due to Christmas craze my test-drive gets postponed to early January (I have to travel to another city to do this, so it’s not that simple).
    Spoke to the dealer over the phone, and the good news is that theoretically I can get the boat I want much sooner, there is one unallocated available (just arrived), in the spec level I want, but…

    I’m seeking for an advice and wisdom of the crowd here not sure if I have to start separate thread for this, but on the other hand don’t want to start holy war debate “this brand VS that brand”. But…
    Originally I was going to get Yamaha 225/250 for this boat, because I have a nice large service centre nearby, but this Stabi dealer only works with Mercury and Honda. So basically if I want to deal with this dealer (and not bother with interstate dealerships, which is more complicated) I have a choice between Honda BF250 or Mercury 225/250. Honda is arriving much sooner, and with Mercury it’s a couple months wait (not critical to me, everything is better than 9-12months ). Both Honda and Mercury service centres are a fair bit drive from where I live, but only once a year, I can live with that if engine is good.
    I don’t have much personal experience with outboards at all, but basically my priorities are:
    1. Reliability
    2. Reliability
    3. Reliability
    4. Fuel economy
    in this particular order, not really interested about torque, top speed, weight etc.
    Do I miss much by not going Yamaha? Which is the better option out of the other two?
    If you want reliability & a decent service coverage - the choice is still Yamaha

    Yep Suzuki & Honda make good motors but they just don't have the coverage .

    Yes Mercury have improved significantly

    I posed these questions to an independent service guy - that was his opinion as well .

    US motors cost a bomb when things go wrong

    Finally - ETECs got what they deserved

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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