there is a boat on graysonline, looks like a stabi but is branded seaking?, any affiliation i wonder , might be a touch small for your needs but its there and now
there is a boat on graysonline, looks like a stabi but is branded seaking?, any affiliation i wonder , might be a touch small for your needs but its there and now
Seaking are the Chinese Stabicraft copy. Sold via Grays to get around statutory warranty things...
They are poping up everywhere now seen one the other week on facebook on a trailer for 45k, after disorderlys was shafted by the chinese showing pics of much more structure (another boat) and hes hull bending because lack of structure it should be a set example "how not to shaft another aussie on his design"
i still remember seein one out on the reef one day pulled up near us and be honest , 5minutes later my jaw was still on the deck of the boat , if you like it and makes you happy then go for it , years back i walked into a dealer and saw a stabi , it was a smaller model and was 87 k then i nearly had a rush of blood and started talking finace and stuff , phew had to get out of there
They manufacture and sell over 1000 boats per year,
Wow, with those numbers they would want to be well and truely on top of their quality control.
So they manufacture like two and a half boats every single day of the year, 365 days. With those numbers I’m surprised I don’t see more around.
You wont see young ladies in house commission areas with one of those Shakey
There is a difference between Chinese owned and manufactured and foreign made in china with foreign oversite
Tesla make the model 3 in their own Chinese factories and the build quality is better then the American made units
I’m sure a stabicraft of that size would handle anything
Tho what ?Originally Posted by gazza2006au;[URL="tel:1693428"
Your comparing Volvo and Tesla versus some crap you bought years ago ?
Considering your history on purchasing the cheapest possible items off eBay to do the job it’s no wonder something you bought was crap
maybe google what your talking about and read up before sprouting nonsense
It's classic Gaz. He can't maintain his point from thread to thread or even post to post.
Here he says China Bad but buys numerous Chinese made knock offs including a bilge pump and recommended buying cheap Chinese steel.
Also Gaz - I've fingerfùcked the usefulness out of this trailer mover. 4 posts later This trailer mover is the best.
He is surely trolling.
You have 6 posts already on this page, Dimwit...and not one is about the actual topic...
Have some respect for the bloke who is enquiring about the stabi and go away with your chronic gibberish...
6 posts after a late night clean up