Not the only one. Even when I was running the numbers on hardtopping the Victory a couple of years back it made a lot of financial sense rather than trading up. Covid just made it more so. Raw material prices for ally and stainless and even resin have sky rocketed. Bulk freight too. I have heard on the grapevine that importing particular cheap gear is no longer viable as once freight costs get factored in, no one is going to pay the price required to make a dollar.
The Stabi - you will love it. I ran one of their early 7 metre boats for a trip when a mate worked for a dealer. Horrible conditions and it just ate it up.
2x300hp will be very very thirsty. Looking at rising fuel prices I don’t think I can justify budget for that!Originally Posted by gazza2006au;[URL="tel:1693304"
My personal problem with all half-cabs is that you only get half of useful boat. The other half is occupied by ‘useless’ cab. I say useless because from personal experience it’s only good for storing safety and fishing gear and inconvenient for anything else![]()
I like the idea of wide walk around Centrecab, as I believe it will provide heaps more practicality. Less creature comfort - yes, but I decided for myself that for comfort I will stay at home in a warm and cosy bed, but when I’m fishing, I want 100% dedicated fishability, if that makes sense. This is also a reason why I decided to step back from fiberglass to plate Ali. I’m sick of stressing around rocks, boat ramps, close to beach with rocky bottom etc. just want more practicality in every way I guess![]()
around 8-9 month from order to delivery, however there is one or two unallocated boats coming in, so if that is right spec/price I might get one much sooner.Originally Posted by Volvo;[URL="tel:1693305"
The other issue is the outboard however. I’ve heard that it’s a good 6 months wait if you want Yamaha (closest service centre to where I live, so I want to stay with Yammie), so that’s another issue.
I hear you i too went for a center console and the ride is unbelievably comfy standing up just a bit eary if your hit side on and go overboard when your cruising along lol
The cabin boats are pretty good don't discount them i have had some early fishing trip where my mates have still fished on while i've slept inside the cabin playing music for 6 hours on multiple fishing trips the cabin can double as protection in big seas as the bow and cabin take the full force of big oceans
As Dignity just stated sometimes it seems that you only read the first 3 words of a post......
Maybe you should take a look at the boat in question so you know what you are actually talking about....
Its a Centre Cabin NOT a screwed on centre console like has the same sized bunk space as a half cab would and the walkaround side decks only really impact on some cabin airspace/headroom...
This is the boat just in case you are interested..
For price comparison here is a 10 year old Riptide with basic electronics asking 130K...
Because the prices of new boats and motors and electronics are all going through the roof 2nd hand boat prices rise accordingly..
Fancy trying to buy a boat at the moment...
Also consider that with a new build if your boat takes a a year or so to get built the price you paid the deposit on will almost certainly rise during that waiting and build period....been hearing some stories of final price going up by almost 10% due to extra costs incurred by rising prices of raw materials, electronics,fitout items and motors..
Islander77, not trying to bag Stabicraft,
I know absolutely nothing about Stabicraft, but coincidentally, yesterday I was reading THT (The Hull Truth) about a bloke getting a boat built in china an then Stabicraft got mentioned (see screenshot below) or if you like you can read the entire article and see for yourself
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
Half cabs aren't that common - most are cuddys or runabouts. They protect you from the weather and add to safety on bars and in rough seas. The rear section is the business end for offshore fishing anyway. With centre cabs you get a smaller cab and less protection for a walkway you don't really need (a lot of them I would want to go out on in rough seas).
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
How noisy will those hatches be during a choppy sea? See above video at around 4.0. min.
Thanks, I’ve read through the whole topic. My thoughts:
- yeah, that is true, there are a few reports of cracks in Stabi here and there. Not good, but I believe we only see them because Stabi sells very many boats. They manufacture and sell over 1000 boats per year, few cracks reports here and there, with that many sales, is expectable imo. In a perfect world you don’t want to see ANY cracks in a $200k boat, agree. In a real world, unfortunately, that just happens, with EVERY large manufacturer of everything. Guess I will just have to trust my luck/karma
- Comment about sloppy ride. From what I’ve seen and read, from my own research, that is only applicable to their older boats (pre 2014?) and smaller models. Definitely not an issue for 2250. Many claim that once you try it, it’s hard to look back. I’ll try for myself soon, but I doubt I will be disappointed.
This is my favourite “kind-of-review” for this boat, because I can relate to that couple on so many levels. Notice what the lady says about ride quality around after 2min mark.
- About Chinese built boats. I personally have nothing against. BUT it’s not that cheap. That US$45k Stabi copy from Chinese factory will be at least around AU$80k landed, add trailer, an outboard, and electronics, and you are looking at at least AU$130k starting point. Not that much savings for a Chinese no-name, and you probably will lose all those saving when it’s time to sell.
I owner built my house 2 years ago, right pre-covid, and thought I was smart, when I ordered container full of Kitchen cabinets, WIR and BIR cabinets, vanities, sliding door systems from China. At the end - I kind of regretted it. Yes I saved some money, but not nearly as much as I hoped, and the quality of some items was not near as good as advertised. I believe China can build/manufacture things with amazing quality, but you HAVE to enforce the quality control, you have to be there and inspect every step, otherwise when not being closely watched, they LOVE to cut corners, even if you agreed to pay top dollars.
my few cents![]()