Love the design (I know I know - we are all different).
Love the proper walk-around practicality this boat offers.
Love what I see in Stabicraft promo videos.
Love the fact that this boat sells around the globe, from Europe to Alaska, and people love it there (judging by multiple overseas fishing forums and Facebook groups)
Don’t love the price, it costs literally fortune and I don’t really understand why. I guess it’s a Covid tax and they charge this much because they can…
But then I look at competition, and the competition costs fortune as well, so I keep coming back to Stabi.
I had my heart on Extreme of similar size, but like this Stabi a fair bit more.
Is there anything else out there? What am I missing? Would you get one if you had the budget, or something else?
I’m kind of made my mind by 95% (subject to on-water test soon) but decided to ask anyway - maybe I will read something here that will change my mind.