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Thread: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

  1. #1

    Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    Mine are close to twelve month old and was told one can sevice their own jackets according to Makers Specs/Recomendations and keep a log of such.
    Rang marine safety and was advised to go by what the Manufacturerer of the Vests states on their jackets.

    I have the Crewsaver Auto Inflatables and under the back of the neck there exists three pull out labels with their advice and owners manual as well as where Name , Date & Sig of Jacket Service.
    No Rocket Science there .
    Just was wandering if this is the norm for most inflatables or not??

  2. #2

    Re: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    they all vary slightly but whatever you do take photos of the self servicing and save it in a folder on your phone

    every second year i get the local quintrex dealer to do mine he charges $25 each and gives me a certificate which i laminate and chuck in the safety grab bag

  3. #3

    Re: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    I believe so. I inspect and service mine annually as per instructions and record on jacket. I’m just not sure how long this self servicing can be done and have had trouble trying to find out

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  4. #4

    Re: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    Some brands also have a limited life and can't be serviced after that time. Marlin specifies that every 5 years it needs to be inspected by a certified repair facility so it is a case of reading all the paperwork/manuals very carefully. I do my own, each jacket is labelled with a unique number and I fill out a checklist using that number, then slip the forms into a zip lock bag and leave it on the boat. I'm due to do mine again in January. Steve's idea of photos is also a good idea although with Marlin to test it you need to wear it, inflate it and jump in the water.

    Edit: I forgot that with Marlin (recent ones at least) you need to do an oral inflation and let it rest for 16 hours every 2 months, but there is no requirement to register that test anywhere.

  5. #5

    Re: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    Difference with every brand ey ??. I purchased the inflatables due to the Missus likes to sit herself on the back Port end of the Boat whilst Fishing with one foot dangling over the side water end and that worries me a tad as she cannot swim so hence the Auto Inflatable incase she goes ace over..
    Otherwise the normal vest/jacket type vests would be somewhat less maint and worry free..

  6. #6

    Re: Self Servicing your Inflatable Lifevests

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Difference with every brand ey ??. I purchased the inflatables due to the Missus likes to sit herself on the back Port end of the Boat whilst Fishing with one foot dangling over the side water end and that worries me a tad as she cannot swim so hence the Auto Inflatable incase she goes ace over..
    Otherwise the normal vest/jacket type vests would be somewhat less maint and worry free..
    Yep carry them as well as some old inflatables I had got tested on some sharp edges and they deflated exceptionally quickly.

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