Thanks Chris, I did some interesting reading on this and even the humble petrol engine produces ozone, just slightly more than an EV. So where does that leave us as we have an ozone hole in the atmosphere over the Antarctic which scientist used to worry about as it was getting larger.
We are helping our atmosphere by running petrol cars. The green thing is just so convoluted that I can't get my head around it, there is a lot of talk of being carbon neutral etc by a certain date yet there is no real solution in sight. Recycling of old solar panels costs atm there is only 1 company in SA that does it, they charge you $20/panel plus freight to do so. The huge fibreglass blades from wind farms have only a 10 year life a d the current process is crush and bury, they have tried mixing it with road base materials but they can only use very small amounts as it has to en encapsulated.
It seems every green energy solution has it's not so green issues.