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Troy Sparks Lures
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Thread: Troy Sparks Lures

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Troy Sparks Lures

    As an avid soft plastic fisherman I have found a soft plastic that’s Australian made using Australian products as in the plastisol , they are a quality product that is getting the runs on the board . Look him up on face ache or his web page , they are made in Hervey Bay and are great and come in a variety of sizes . Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    I’ll give them a go. The colours look great

  3. #3

    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Pardon my ignorance Matt, but me not being a Franger Frower, what makes these any different to frangers I see.
    Apart from being Aussie made (which is good) do they catch more fish or catch more fishermen?
    What would sway me away from Bait? If I cant make fish eat something that is edible how will I make them eat a chunk of plastic?
    Not trying to be a smart ar$e I just never got into the whole plastic artificial bait scene.
    Now I see guys rubbing smelly stuff on plastics to try and make them smell like bait,why not just use bait in the first place.
    Tug Tellum
    Not all tools are usefull.
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  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by tug_tellum View Post
    Pardon my ignorance Matt, but me not being a Franger Frower, what makes these any different to frangers I see.
    Apart from being Aussie made (which is good) do they catch more fish or catch more fishermen?
    What would sway me away from Bait? If I cant make fish eat something that is edible how will I make them eat a chunk of plastic?
    Not trying to be a smart ar$e I just never got into the whole plastic artificial bait scene.
    Now I see guys rubbing smelly stuff on plastics to try and make them smell like bait,why not just use bait in the first place.
    Tug Tellum
    I like to mix it up a bit and do fish bait and some placcies and yes scent also helps and some days they seem to get a better quality fish , it’s just another method that has been good for me many times over the years . I mainly put it up so that some that like to use placcies have another choice over the big name foreign brands , especially at this point in time I believe it’s time to support Australian products. Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by tug_tellum;[URL="tel:1692171"
    1692171[/URL]]Pardon my ignorance Matt, but me not being a Franger Frower, what makes these any different to frangers I see.
    Apart from being Aussie made (which is good) do they catch more fish or catch more fishermen?
    What would sway me away from Bait? If I cant make fish eat something that is edible how will I make them eat a chunk of plastic?
    Not trying to be a smart ar$e I just never got into the whole plastic artificial bait scene.
    Now I see guys rubbing smelly stuff on plastics to try and make them smell like bait,why not just use bait in the first place.
    Tug Tellum
    it’s more then just the fake bait
    rods technique tactics electronics
    just being Aussie made isn’t going to convert you from bait to artificials

    there’s 20 years of information on the internet to tell you how to use them.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    One of the most exciting forms of fishing you can do. Light rods, light reels, thin braid and trying to outsmart fish with a little bit of plastic! Then once you hook up it’s a fun fight on the light gear. Give it a red hot go mate you won’t look back

    Quote Originally Posted by tug_tellum View Post
    Pardon my ignorance Matt, but me not being a Franger Frower, what makes these any different to frangers I see.
    Apart from being Aussie made (which is good) do they catch more fish or catch more fishermen?
    What would sway me away from Bait? If I cant make fish eat something that is edible how will I make them eat a chunk of plastic?
    Not trying to be a smart ar$e I just never got into the whole plastic artificial bait scene.
    Now I see guys rubbing smelly stuff on plastics to try and make them smell like bait,why not just use bait in the first place.
    Tug Tellum

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Only ever buy bait if I take the kids saltwater fishing

    bonus to lures
    no bait fridge
    no getting bait before a trip
    no stink in the house
    no stink in the boat

    and a big one less gut hooking fish and being able to release undersize or unwanted fish with less damage

    if it’s spot I’ve been too before my catch rates are the same if not better
    mid ibhavnt been there before can be hit and miss unless I read up a lot on the place

  8. #8

    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    there’s 20 years of information on the internet to tell you how to use them.
    Yeah Steve,the info is there,theres also 20 years of info on bait.

    I am opposite to you. You say you only buy bait when you take the kids saltwater fishing. I think frangers are great for kids. Kids love to cast out and within 10 to 20 seconds they say "I got a bite" and start reeling it back in again. I let my grandkids play with them,they love it. They will spend hours casting and retrieving.That is the style of fishing with fake bait. Even if I throw out a crab pot,they tell me within 30 seconds, we should check it because they say the rope move. I prefer to put my smelly bait on the hook and cast it out to where I hope the fish are and I will sit quietly in my chair while I contemplate my navel. I dont wanna be busy chucking it in and draging it back out hundreds of times. That sounds more like hard work to me. Not my idea of a relaxing evening or afternoon.
    To each his own I suppose. Its good he is an Ozzie manufacturer (I am too) the less we rely on overseas countries the better.
    Everyone has their own style of fishing. I like to study the fish and then hunt them quietly while relaxing.. This way I get to do my 2 favourite things,fishing and relaxing.
    Oh Navel Navel Navel !!!

    Tug Tellum
    Not all tools are usefull.
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  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    You asked on why it may sway you away from bait so I have a few reasons.

    the reason I said to look it up or read a book is it isn’t a new fad it’s been a round for as long as fishing’s been around.
    it’s not the mad voodoo magic you make it out to be, just another tool in the quiver

    bait fishing for certain species is boring enough for me to convert to watching that other shit sport cricket.

  10. #10

    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    No Steve,bait fishing isnt that bad. I agree cricket is as boring as watching paint dry.
    Not making franger frowing out to be VooDoo magic its just too active for me. I went through a stage where I tried it because I was drifting in a boat and also tried it fishing off a jetty. Had no luck either way. but hey I dont profess to be a great fisherman anyway. But I think I will still stck with my stinky bait . You are welcome to rub your rubbery things against my bait if you want to make them smell edible to a fish.
    We will never convert each other,its like blokes who drive stink boats and blokes who drive stick boats. My opinion is ,if they cant afford fuel they shouldnt be on the water. My opinion only
    Tug Tellum
    Not all tools are usefull.
    Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..

  11. #11
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Quote Originally Posted by tug_tellum View Post
    No Steve,bait fishing isnt that bad. I agree cricket is as boring as watching paint dry.
    Not making franger frowing out to be VooDoo magic its just too active for me. I went through a stage where I tried it because I was drifting in a boat and also tried it fishing off a jetty. Had no luck either way. but hey I dont profess to be a great fisherman anyway. But I think I will still stck with my stinky bait . You are welcome to rub your rubbery things against my bait if you want to make them smell edible to a fish.
    We will never convert each other,its like blokes who drive stink boats and blokes who drive stick boats. My opinion is ,if they cant afford fuel they shouldnt be on the water. My opinion only
    Tug Tellum
    Absolutely mate , do what makes you happy but for me I like to fish placers early and bait a bit later whether I caught my bait with a placie or bring a bit are two different things but I do both most day
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Troy Sparks Lures

    Bait only catches lazy fish, plastics catch active aggressive fish they fight harder when they have been fooled.

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