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Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel
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Thread: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

  1. #1

    Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Anyone onboard own or had anything to do with these Reels??, Good or Bad ??.

  2. #2

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Anyone onboard own or had anything to do with these Reels??, Good or Bad ??.
    Looks ok Penn is a pretty good brand, if the dura drag is any good as there egg beater ht100 drag it'll be a winner

    Have u also considered the shimano LTD series of overheads? Nice smooth drags

  3. #3

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Anyone onboard own or had anything to do with these Reels??, Good or Bad ??.
    I cant comment on the star drag - but the lever drag wasn't very good as the drag pressure would come on too hard & too fast

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
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  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    They dont work apparently..

    When the missus has hooked up to good sized Spanish the past couple of trips on her Squall left handed Lever drag she has complained multiple times the reel "doesnt work"...

    When I ask what she means she says it "doesnt wind"..

    So I have taken over and found no issue so I tried observing her technique...

    Turns out she is lifting the rod but then not starting to wind until the rod is back horizontal with the water and so the fish has retaken the slack line and often started running again.

    and then of course trying to wind is pointless...No wonder the reel "doesnt work"

    I dunno what happened ...she used to land quite a few Spanish and Tuna...maybe we just dont get out fishing often enough.....

    She just needs practise to work on her technique of winding down after the lift and not panicking when the fish is running..

    Anyway i agree with nagg...the drag increments between full drag and slack is not so much....I'd go a TLD rather then the Squall for the money if I was after a trolling or floater outfit...if it was for bottom fishing I wouldnt use either...

    Unless of course there is a particular reason you want a star drag...?

  5. #5

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Thanks all and no particular reason for the
    Just tjought it might be a good partner for my new jigstick ??.
    BUT since the Shimano of Chris's second choice just come down in $$ price i may look at that ??.
    And!! In tje mudst of typing this i caught the humungas Grunter i lost this morning lol si will keep playing with the phone keypad see if anothery drops by for a vist lol.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel


  7. #7

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Thanking all kindly for feedback , and will consider all options as well as the Shimano Speedmaster which is selling for $319 at present which doesnt seem too bad ??..
    Like i said want something for my Jigstick , dont want to spend heaps as i dont get outside all that often nowdays ey.
    keen to suss it out jigging for Jew also??.
    Anyhows Two huge Grunter out of three wasnt a bad effort for the day as well as a small Mackeral , four Grassies n a Flatty so din din for tonight for us and Grandkids ..

  8. #8

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    I don't go jigging but can't imagine people jigging for afew hours with a 600-700gram + over head reel and rod? Sounds like you have some biceps or more energy than the energizer bunny, i would go for the lightest spin reel possible so it doesn't beat u up

    I always imaged overheads as trolling rods due to their weight and line capacity other than those tiny overhead reels that are for lure casting

  9. #9

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    I don't go jigging but can't imagine people jigging for afew hours with a 600-700gram + over head reel and rod? Sounds like you have some biceps or more energy than the energizer bunny, i would go for the lightest spin reel possible so it doesn't beat u up

    I always imaged overheads as trolling rods due to their weight and line capacity other than those tiny overhead reels that are for lure casting
    fishoes have for decades used medium sized overheads for jigging - to be honest I think for that vertical style of fishing , overheads rule .
    An equivalent robust spin reel is going to be up there in weight too ....... though there is greater ergonomics with the spin reel.
    Without a doubt you have to be a special kind to want to haul up those big knife jigs in deep water all day .......

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  10. #10

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Lol , never used a jig in all my fishing day , Vibes yes with medium success .
    Mostly used bait for most my Fishing as did today as i like the idea if a Fish gets the best of me at least it is left with a feed , but have always been open to new ways of Fishing and have no shortage of overhead or Spin Reels in my arsenal But , No Jig Reel and as ive recently aquired a Jigstick then a proper Jig reel should be married to it .
    Gazz , if yourve spent six to seven hours solid doing battle with Reds i think an hour or two here n there jigging shouldnt be too bad lol.
    At least i hope not as havent had the pleasure of experiencing such.
    Mind you im not as fit nowdays as when i was a back in my younger years.

  11. #11

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Yeah jigging looks like hard work i have tried it with slugs but lost intrest pretty quick, can't imaging jigging a big bar of metal for 2 hours solid it will sure give one a workout

  12. #12

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    See Penn Fathom down to $239 , god or bad price ??.
    Pen Squall $209.
    The smaller sized knes may suit the jewel PE3 a tad better ??.

  13. #13

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    See Penn Fathom down to $239 , god or bad price ??.
    Pen Squall $209.
    The smaller sized knes may suit the jewel PE3 a tad better ??.
    Honestly - after having a look at the Shimano Speedmaster - i'd spend that little more & leave the Penn offerings alone .

    I think for the price (Anaconda @ $319 - club price ) - That $80 gets you a much better reel (nicer reel)

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #14

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Lol , never used a jig in all my fishing day , Vibes yes with medium success .
    Mostly used bait for most my Fishing as did today as i like the idea if a Fish gets the best of me at least it is left with a feed , but have always been open to new ways of Fishing and have no shortage of overhead or Spin Reels in my arsenal But , No Jig Reel and as ive recently aquired a Jigstick then a proper Jig reel should be married to it .
    Gazz , if yourve spent six to seven hours solid doing battle with Reds i think an hour or two here n there jigging shouldnt be too bad lol.
    At least i hope not as havent had the pleasure of experiencing such.
    Mind you im not as fit nowdays as when i was a back in my younger years.
    Jigging can be fun - when the fish are on ...... otherwise it's a young persons pursuit IMO.
    My boat sport fishing started with jigging irons for kings (mid 80s) - Always overheads - 7ft rods ...... but with the exception of the Peak (Syd) we didn't fish deep - places like the Banks & Montague Island were quite shallow . ...... but it was still hard work even for a young fit bugger.
    Slow pitch is a different kettle of fish though ..... much more gentlemanly like. .

    I guess it still boils down to your target species - down my way Kings love that speed & often some of the biggest kings come from deep water . Up north I'm guessing the main species that jigging would be best suited would be Doggies (Dog tooth tuna) & Kings in the southern parts...... not sure what other species need that high speed . I reckon vibes suit Qld fishing really well from my experiences.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #15

    Re: Penn Squall II Star Drag Overhead Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Honestly - after having a look at the Shimano Speedmaster - i'd spend that little more & leave the Penn offerings alone .

    I think for the price (Anaconda @ $319 - club price ) - That $80 gets you a much better reel (nicer reel)

    Know where your comming from mate but kinda think the Speedmaster 12 maybe a tad big for the Jewel 3PE , i like a reel to balance and feel well with the Rod..
    Might have to just suss one out and see??..
    Thought they mad smaller Speedmasters ??.
    Depths i fish dont need the line capacity of the 12's ey..
    Anyhoos have time on my side ..

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