And we are back on track
And we are back on track
that’s a good thing means he has the right chromosome countOriginally Posted by gazza2006au;[URL="tel:1692677"
This forum has become a slow moving sitcom![]()
I think it has just become a shit fight between a few individuals that ultimately might see it go down the plug hole completely, starting to wear very thin now!
1311 logged in
3 posts
surprised advertisers pay
all serious fishing talks meet ups buy swap sells happen on Facebook or a few user pay websites that now exist
the paid sites are heavily moderated thankfully
Change the stats and make this one of the top 10
Yep. The forum is now for comic relief only and to see who's pushing whose buttons.... and the result.
Somewhat entertaining.... in a sad kinda way.
Not inclined to post about fishing. Seems to have been off topic for a very long time.
Perhaps it's time for a forum name change to something more relevant.
Don't change a thing...except maybe let me paste my Spongebob eating popcorn gif.
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Sally and her sisters still going on...