My boats up for sale thousand bucks a foot $19,900
I haven't listed it Ducks just playing along with disorderly and steve...
I want to keep the boat so much heart ache went into building it
If i were ever to list it it may end up on gumtree, boats sales etc..
One special key to selling is i would take a potentioal buyer down the river for a test run to show how the boat launches solo and good she runs
But yeah not for sale just yet shes not even finished and i wanna slay some kingys in the next few weeks and some mahi mahi out wide around febuary
saw another project boat being towed away today , certainly seems like a few guys are getting busy
Yup the new boat wait time plus another covid lock down looming with this new strain
Worse thing ever is to be locked down with no projects to do
this is a old vintage i spied on my travels, sitting in a front yard 50 metres south of jervis bay turnoff, think it read 5k on the cardboard sign , though cant quite make out the brand of vessell, anyhow thought some one might want a project to do seeing as how expensive boat are getting ,
check out those outrigger poles on the old girl , imagine the stories and fish this old boat caught , looks about 19ft perhaps a savage atlantic , who nows what the inboard is , 202 red motor
edit-- savage bluefin 21 t![]()
Looks worthy of a rebuild but i would'nt kerp that old style cabin.. many say u #### a boat when u take that 1960's era cabin off i copped a bit of shit for doing it to mine by the bertram and caribbean lovers but those old 200kg+ cabins are out dated just theglass windows on mine were 6mm glass that weighed a shit load
I personally don't see 5k in the old girl, maybe $1500 for the trailer no rust and ready for rego.. maybe $1000-$1200 for the hull she may be covered with foilage looking at the surroundings
if the inboard is seized or not , most likely it would be removed by new owner , pod it or cut out the transom , bit of work to do ,
One couldprobably sell the leg not sure what they go for, def pull that inboard out it would probably be abig old heavy guzzler
That boat looks really nice from the white down, it would look awesome with a brand new hard top with a moden design
The more i look at it the more i wanna go make an offer lol
Could it be an old 20ft bertram? It has a very familar coming like my caribbean also the cabin design looks similar to mine too
Can u make out the rego number Cat? My zoom in isto blurry