If you are not working then you can pick your days. Last Thurs was dead calm offshore. There are plenty of fish around if you can get out, eg kingies of Coogee. Also nothing stopping you fishing the Georges and Botany Bay.
If you are not working then you can pick your days. Last Thurs was dead calm offshore. There are plenty of fish around if you can get out, eg kingies of Coogee. Also nothing stopping you fishing the Georges and Botany Bay.
so many options
middle hawksbury for flathead and bream
pittwater is fishable in certain wind conditions
prawns are about in certain areas
as nagg said jew fish in the georges, catch bait find a hole and anchor up (perfect for someone who says they are awake all night)
Find better sources of information as there are fish about
So ?
what’s the issue time or fuel to get there ?
cant be time you don’t work
can make excuses but the excuse there’s nothing to catch because it’s a bit wet and windy isn’t there
I downloaded the maritime maps cant see any holes in the upper half of georges river, we have only caught one tine jewie at the milperra bridge about 8 years ago i have tried casting soft plastics there but the fish kept bitting the tails off so probably tailor i went through nearly a whole packet of burkleys
My hot spot for mullet is chipping norton lake i can grab some than motor to the milperra bridge but no where safely to park my trailer
1 hour loading the boat up than 1-2hour drive to hawkesbury than 6 hours on the water, 1-2 hour trip home another 1 hour to move the boat out the back i will be literraly shagged
Just going to port hacking the last 2 trips has kicked my ass loading the boat and reparking it is so fn draining i need to jack up the front of trailer 8-9 times each time the trailer is moved from the backyard to front or vise versa
I'll do a bit more looking into jewies migrating up the georges i may give it another go but i think its a shit hole lol
if your shagged doing that wait till you purchase your big boy 24 footer
And its 2021 can catch jew fish on artificials easy enough
Found a teenage kid doing youtube videos and he named a suburb or two than i honed in on his exact locations and to my surprise i have been there heaps of times just not for fishing, he mentions he catches jewies any tide all thru tbe day on soft plastics they are all small jewies 50-60cm but they are bigger than the 20cm one my mate caught at the milpera bridge
There is secure parking near by but the poddys are a good drive away, im ganna give it a try
Plan your trip
Back in the 90s I would fish offshore from the Hawkesbury during Summer full moon periods ....... the boat was prepared the day before , I'd get home from work .... 4pm - hook the boat up & head to Brooklyn ...... I'd get out to my spot at Easts reef about 6pm ..... get the baits out & chill till sunset - then usually have an insane session till dark - head home at 9pm ..... by the time the fish were cleaned I'd be home sometime about 11.30 pm
Well worth it too
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
i use to finish at 4pm drive to mates place grab his boat and head up to parsley bay and fish flint n steel or lion island till midnight
back home at 2 and up again at 6 for work