Forgot to add i done 4kms and used 2.5L of fuel
Forgot to add i done 4kms and used 2.5L of fuel
Now you need to run at WOT and see what you get and then look at engine height first and then props if you are wanting to achieve optimum results. On a 19 degree deadrise hull, my engine would be a full 2 inches higher than yours - possibly more. Yes it will work lower but you are simply dragging water costing both performance and fuel if it's not right.
Yeah i seen that in the owners manual the other day Scott it was interesting i could gain 10mph by lifting it 2 inches but today doing 60kph felt only just boarder line safe i reckon another 15kph i'd be shitting my self
Just that whole feeling of the hull lifting up and your riding on just the back half of the heel and the hull feels very "floaty" it just feels like if something were to go wrong...
Maybe a couple mates will weigh down the hull
Slippery floor didnt help either, and its only 60kph and i have owned 90kph jetskis and ride road and dirt bikes this hull at just over 60kph feels like doing 260kph on a R6 maybe i took to much weight out of the hull and put a heavy engine on her
I may have had to much up trim? Looking at this guys video he is riding on the whole keel
I picked up some black see thru tinted perspex and used a heat gun
I was going to register the boat and hit the bay this weekend but looks like its going to rain
...... bugger! Just took the old girl to get the BIN reattached and validated when i returned home i had a broken mudguard, snapped bolt, tiny pinch in the rim, must have hit a medium strip
Trailers wheels are far back so it takes two lanes to turn some corners or the trailer goes up the gutter, im finding im driving over low level round abouts to but cant help it whole rig is too long
If i can replace the mudguard and move the mounts soon i'll try get some video when i take her out into the bay and possibly head outside for a troll for some mack tuna, bonito, kingys etc and give her a run
I think the owner of the boat shop was thinking of buying my boat.. he mentioned he has been looking for one just like it, he went and done reasearch on the model while paper work was being done
But i said it wasnt for sale...
Surely it can't be that long? People tow 23' boats with big 4X4s (and bigger) all the time, you just need to get used to it.
nice job on the windscreen , plenty of casting room in the , look forward to see the drone chase shots , congrats
It is really long guys i needed to me in the right lane (2 lane road) to turn left but it had a red light camera so i just turned in the left lane kind of like a bus and still clipped the gutter felt the wheels go up it but i hit a few medium strips too along the way, boat is about 25cm wider on each side of the car, aswell as the wheel pushed up the gutter its pushed up so high it snapped the mudguard
I'll get her fixed, one other mudguard has rubbed too so i will cut off all the mounts and reposition the mudguards than i'll be on the water
As you get more experienced in towing a larger boat mate, you'll get the hang of it... I'm pretty sure those truck drivers have it sorted (albeit with their smaller bogies and b doubles)
Yeah i have to work something out the left door mirror cant see the trailer wheelsdoing a left turn i may need extended mirrors asi cant adjust the mirror for each corner or leave my left side out of sight all the time
Heres the damaged mudguard im going to epoxy it for now and replace it in a couple weeks, the mudguard mounts are hopefully getting moved back tomorrow so i can get out and wet a line