I dont have much experience with how a cat sits in a choppy sea at rest but I wondered about the 72 incher on your hull as well, Wahoo..
By the look of it you are also giving away 4-5inches with your mount too..
Hopefully if its working well on the other blokes boats then it will be cool...
On my 6.25m Supervee hull the 72 inch shaft is Ok up to 10-12 knots but once you get a bit of sloppy, choppy 15 knot stuff the prop starts popping out and I either have to quit or resort to the anchor.....
You might find once it gets to that stage it will struggle to hold you in place anyway due to the size and windage of your boat...it can get a bit frustrating for me as even on nice days we often get a 10-15 knot afternoon breeze which upsets the applecart at a certain point.....I really hate having to drop an anchor by hand now and try to only do it once, when we are positioning for an overnight fish/sleep..
When i was comparing models 18 months ago I would have loved an auto deploy and the local MK dealer told me at the time that MK had changed to stainless parts to the areas that were causing problems with the auto deploy...he assured me then that the issues had been fixed....
I was sceptical and have heard of issues even still recently.....I ended up going a 105 pound Motorguide for $2750 figuring that at a certain point when it starts giving problems I can just get rid of it and buy new again ...
Have you had one before..?...If not you are going to love it though man...nothing better then finding a rock with some fish on it in 50-80m and just dropping the motor and start fishing straight away without having to try and position 100m upwind and doing the whole anchor thing and then finding you have stuffed up and are not dropping in the fishy zone........
Then all you have to worry about is trying to haul those reds up and beating the sharks..