only a nail hole buy a plug kit & plug it your self
only a nail hole buy a plug kit & plug it your self
Was reluctant to plug the tyre due to the bead being pushed in i looked for a tube locally but unavailable so i plugged it i left the wheel off the trailer for now so the glue can cure without a load on the wheel
The tubeless plugs can be used straight away, no need for anything to cure.
No tyre service had a tube? I know most don't agree, but I like tubes in my boat trailer tyres, over time you get corrosion around the bead and get slow leaks, that said, my current tinny trailer has tubeless and so far so good (4 years now) but I did notice one tyre was very low yesterday.
I tried super cheap they only had tubes for trolleys and wheel barrows im not entirely happy with the plug but it has to do untill i can order a 5th spare wheel, i don't like the whole idea of tubeless on the trailer wheels asif the bead gets beating up while im pulling over it cant be fixed without a tube you cant just pump it up and plug it again
Couldnt afford to buy a bait tank for $400 so made a cheapie for $100 from BCF supplies it has an adjustable inlet spray head and a 1/14 overflow i need to dril some screws thru to stop blockages
You went to Supercheap for a tube and were surprised they didn't have one? What's wrong with a tyre service?
Tyre service place would have charged more as they include labour, supplies etc.. or if u mean to buy a tube? Im assuming not many businesses would carry 10inch tubes its not a common size also needed it on a sunday
A tube is like $30-$40 fitted the tube iitself is only $10-$15
That is possibly $55 Steve plus fuel, a new tyre is only $60 a new complete wheel is $90
Had my box trailer done a few weeks ago $65 for two tyres
unless you ask someone possibly means nothing
with the loading while cornering and backing your boat id be using the best tyres you could on your trailer
nothing wrong with that approach -
On my old 535 Reef Raider I used a converted 100lt poly drum for our trips to South West Rocks - We needed a lot of live bait in the days when you could use live bait at Fish rock . It probably held 80lts after the conversion . I still had a traditional 40lt transom live bait tank but the round drum held fish a lot better than the square tank - particularly when using the southern fusiliers & slimies as livies.
BTW - Pro tip ....... replace the tap with the bung - you are bound to kick it / bump it & snap it off
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Yep, used one of those blue drums for years, make sure the over flow is big, but has some kind of strainer, or smaller baits will just go out there, I have found keeping anything alive with Squid is useless, don't know why, but a squid in the tank kills everything else.
I was going to run twin 16 litre square buckets just to devide the squid and live bait fish the plan was to keep just the smaller squid but it was going to blow out the budget on all the fitting so i just went with this BCF 30 litre drum, i placed the overflow at around 22 litres
I may set up a second tank and run the two with some kind of block off valve if i only run the one tank on the day
At the moment the boat runs really well and level with one person up the front, me at the console and one at the rear, or even solo so i donno how she'll handle with two bait tanks