OK all - Here we go again .... this time it's about eskys
I'd love to hear your recommendations as I'm thinking about replacing my frostbite mackerel box with something larger .
For what I paid for it (Frostbite 100L) - it's been fine for a couple of days away
That is till
Sitting in the boat ... with beer in hand - I got to thinking ..... It's pretty heavy but not overly large (capacity wise) & lives in front of the console so it's out of the way.
The thing is that I know I could get something bigger in that space & maybe I should ..... unfortunately the width of the space is the limiting factor (475mm).
OK - One box that would fit in there is the 158Lt Engel which I think is a relatively new player in this market ...... does anyone have any experience with Engel eskys ? I mean they would want to be pretty darn good for $800 . ... 58% more capacity & +8.5kgs over the Frostbite.
Anyhow I'd love to hear any suggestions for my situation but happy to have a yarn about eskys in general ...... the good the bad & the ugly .