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Thread: Matching Rod to Reel

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Seaforth QLD & Cairns

    Matching Rod to Reel

    Is there any science behind this at all? I was recently in a tackle store, looking for a rod to match to a Sustain 5000. I asked about how to match the size rod to the reel, then we talked for another 15 minutes about how we thought you would, but none of us knew.

    Is there any relation, or is it more depend on what you're chasing with it? I'm talking more weight than length too.

  2. #2

    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    Science ??, doubt it Mate , either have a Custom Rod made up or consistently check out Rods at you local or favourite Fishing store for type of Rod your after that sits comfortably in your hand , feels balanced and right weight class for the Fish your after.
    Spin or Cast , , then comes a reel that sits in the Realseat being not too heavy and not too light again matching the line class of the Rod i would say and that would be a balanced outfit .

    An unbalanced outfit you soon get sick of using but a nice sometimes lighter feel than normal outfit is comfortable and gets the Fish tio the side without effort or stress or at least my view ey .
    Look around and you can balance outfits at your local tackle store most times too.
    Bet you allready thought the same way ey ??.

  3. #3

    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    Buy the whole outfit to suit the line class and type of fishing your intending to do

    With modern reels 2500-3000 sizes reels can do amazing things on fish that in the past people would use heavy overheads
    I use to use 3000 sizes thread lines to chase kings and pelagics around Sydney where in the past it would have been 4/0 senators and fibreglass broom sticks

    What were you chasing with a 5000 Sustain ?

  4. #4

    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    Well if Im making a rod for a purpose i will but the intended reel on it to balance it out to get the reel seat in the right position and that's what you should do when matching a reel to rod there nothing worse than having a big heavy reel on a short rod it just feels wrong put your reel on the rod and put you finger under the rod in front of the reel and see which way the rod goes you want it all to balance as even as possible.

  5. #5

    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    I doubt there is any science to it ......

    I think it really boils down to feel & balance ...... reel & rod / design / grip configuration

    Go & put a 2000 sized Shimano on a Egrell S1 - even though it's a rod rated at 1-5kg ..... that little reel just doesn't work . Put the same reel on a Shimano T Curve 2-5kgs & it does .

    Hence why its best to have the reel with you when choosing a rod or vice versa

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member Ducksnutz's Avatar
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    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    As Chris has said, I don’t think it’s a science but definitely a feel.

    Another thing to consider is lure weight ratings.

    I have a Smith Bayliner rod and a Megabass Kirisame which are the same length. Both are rated to throw similar weights but the Smith can throw smaller lures further by quite a bit.

    You can’t really know this in the tackle shop and it can be confusing and you might end up trading whatever you choose in order to feel comfortable.

    This really only depends on your style of fishing be it bait or lures with bait being far more forgiving in your choice in my humble opinion.

    Nature of the beast unfortunately.

    On a positive note, it’s always cool looking for new gear….😎

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Seaforth QLD & Cairns

    Re: Matching Rod to Reel

    Quote Originally Posted by Volvo View Post
    Bet you allready thought the same way ey
    Yeah Volvo, I sure was

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    What were you chasing with a 5000 Sustain ?
    Steve, I got a couple of them now, use them for Trout outside, live baiting for Barra, and the last one was to put on a 4 piece travel rod to take to work (Groote Eylandt) for chasing anything off the jetty, fishing platform, beach etc.

    I ended up with a good old Ugly Stick, but I think it might be a bit light , got onto some trout on the weekend with it and expected it to snap at any time, it even flexed through the handle on the 'better' ones . So know I get to go back to the tackle shop and look for another rod for it, oh, and a new reel for the Ugly Stick .

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