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Thread: Motor sputtering

  1. #1

    Motor sputtering


    I got a marine mechanic to disconnect vro recently and connect some gauges. I've since replaced fuel in the tank with pre-mix.

    Motor sputters quite badly now. Sputtering doesn't happen at low revs, only at above 2000rpm. See video below. You can turn on song near top right of video. In this video, I didn't even touch the throttle but sputters pretty bad.

    After I turn off engine, notice a bit of smoke - see below. Not sure if it was like this before disconnecting VRO

    It's a Johnso OceanRunner

    Any ideas what's gone wrong?

  2. #2

    Re: Motor sputtering

    What’s he done when he disconnected the vro ?
    id start looking at what’s been changed first of it was working fine before hand

  3. #3

    Re: Motor sputtering

    I'm not sure. He's an experienced mechanic so I assumed he knew what he's doing. The oil tank and the electrical wire from the tank is disconnected now.

  4. #4

    Re: Motor sputtering

    Does your warning siren sound when the key is turned?

    Is that water stream normal (seems pretty weak)?

    The SLOW motor protection system apparently produces results similar to what you are seeing. Also wondering if your model may implement an neutral rev limiter to prevent over revving in neutral. Maybe put it in the water and try it.

  5. #5

    Re: Motor sputtering

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    What’s he done when he disconnected the vro ?
    id start looking at what’s been changed first of it was working fine before hand
    If it was anything like my 40 it would be hard to get it wrong. Disconnect the oil line at the pump and plug the orifice. Disconnect the VRO pump electrical connection and cap it was about it from memory.

  6. #6

    Re: Motor sputtering

    Theres a video on youtube on how to disconnect the VRO maybe check the video out and run through the steps on your engine to double check i have never disconnected one so cant comment

  7. #7

    Re: Motor sputtering

    A few things come to mind here, first up (and I will probably get flamed for this) any mechanic that disconnects the VRO on that motor has got no idea what he is doing! revving in neutral tests nothing at all, you wil need to back track and make sure anything touched by the "mechanic" is OK, then proceed with the very basic trouble shooting, but just at first guess, I see a carby clean in your future, not a spray with carb cleaner, not some snake oil in your tank, but a proper clean, make sure you have the correct Champion plugs in that motor, and test it in the water.

  8. #8

    Re: Motor sputtering

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    A revving in neutral tests nothing at all.
    Totally agree with Noelm on this, That motor will always behave like that revving in neutral on muffs, put it in gear and try it just make sure everything is clear first
    Also looks like low water pressure, Either ill fitting muffs or supply too low, Give it a run in the water and it'll probably be fine

  9. #9

    Re: Motor sputtering

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    A few things come to mind here, first up (and I will probably get flamed for this) any mechanic that disconnects the VRO on that motor has got no idea what he is doing!.
    If it was fully functional - sure........however - mine ran flawlessly for a lot of years and then failed causing an over oiling situation that resulted in extremely hard starting. At $600 for a new pump, I could put up with the inconvenience of mixing a bit of oil. As a bonus, the motor was easier to start due to being able to idle the fuel out it at the end of the day. At 20 years old it still fired first turn of the key. My uncle wasn't so lucky. His failed in use and resulted in a seized and non repairable engine. OMC didn't seem to have an issue with the systems removal - even had a section on it in their workshop manual.

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