Last few days I've found it takes ages to get a response from Ausfish, today I've been getting Database Error quite regularly, other sites respond within normal timeframes. Any one else having this problem?
Last few days I've found it takes ages to get a response from Ausfish, today I've been getting Database Error quite regularly, other sites respond within normal timeframes. Any one else having this problem?
Not just you Sam. Horribly slow my end and pretty much won't work period on my phone - constant data base error results
Same here its like dial up speed for 2 days now
I was wondering what was going on?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mine was crook yesterday (Saturday) but appears to be fine today (Sunday)
Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums
Same here on Tapatalk ,
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Seems much better today guys, reported it to admin yesterday. Happy chappy now.
I was wondering what was going on?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I never ever have issues here maybe because I am on a fast connection and full desktop pc....i won't use my phone for surfing anything at all.
Haven't seen any issues, or had any reported to me.
Is it only on Tapatalk?
Steve Brown
Do Not Feed The Trolls
It was slow for me both on desktop and on my phone (using a browser not Tapatalk) . It improved on Sunday but has started getting laggy again today.