Im going to place the mover here
Im going to place the mover here
Take note that putting the mover way back there will have significantly more weight on it, than at the toe hitch. Might not be too much for the mover if they have a high rating, but will be relevant for ease of turning or if running over anything that’s not solid.
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From memory it can take 350kg ball weight and moves 3500kg i will recheck tho
If you know total loaded weight and ball weight, you can work out where the theoretical centre of gravity is, based on distances from axle centres to tow ball. Once you have this, you can calculate the extra load roughly. As you move the front support backwards, the weight on it goes up.
Or put a jack or jockey wheel under that point on a scale (or weigh bridge) And you will see the real weight.
Might be fine, but best to understand roughly the load likely to be there.
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