Anyone know where to get the round bit just under the tow ball? I want to weld it onto my electric movers post
Anyone know where to get the round bit just under the tow ball? I want to weld it onto my electric movers post
I don’t imagine it would be cheap, there is a fair bit of machining involved. Is it really needed?
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A towball through a small steel plate will do the same thing or just weld it direct to your post.
Not sure what you mean, what bit exactly?
My Mini Mover 2 isnt suitable for my trailers i beams i dont feel comfortable drilling through the i beams main wall to mount the MM2's mounting bracket as the holes in the i beam may weaken the A frame
So i thought of trying to find that bit under the tow hitch to weld on to my MM2's mounting bracket and it should work the same
I have an Economover. You have to tighten the plate up otherwise the mover can walk out from under the ball in much the same manner that he walked it in there in the vid. I imagine the same thing would likely happen if you rigged up a similar setup with Gazza's mover or any similar unit that can rotate freely about its main axle.
The ball and extensions are available from BOS for $140 + delivery. Part no. B00-022 Tow Ball & Two Extensions Kit. Listed here under Economover Accessories.
Had a look at your trailer thread and you've got a swivel head coupling - the ball mount is only recommended for use with fixed couplings of the style shown in the vid you posted.
If you use the ball mount with a swivel head coupling and try to swinging the front of the trailer around, you run a serious risk of the coupling rotating and the mover shooting out sideways from under the hitch. Everything ends up on the ground with pinch points everywhere.
I've done it once and avoided injury, but I won't be using it again until I've fitted the included hard mount to the drawbar. I wouldn't advise using a ball coupling with yours either.
ETA: Had a look at the mover you bought and yeah, the ball absolutely will not work. Any sideways movement (ie not straight forwards / back) will result in the mover taking off by itself. The Economover has a couple of assist wheels that help hold it true and square; yours doesn't so will be even more prone to shooting out from under. You absolutely need to mount yours to the drawbar for stabilty.
Bugger i didnt think of that, i want to avoid drilling mounting holes in the i beam if possible
Easy enough to make a bracket that picks up the bolts that secure the I-beam to the top and bottom plates on the side of your draw bar to attach a bracket to. No extra holes required in the draw bar at all.
Had another look at mine and fitting the hard mount is going to be almost impossible - between the jockey wheel, beach wheel, swing-around drawbar and winch post there's just not enough length left to fit it without extensive fab work.
So the other option - when the coupling rotates, so does the chunky nut + shear pin on the rear of the coupling. Given the minor forces involved in using the mover (compared with on-road loadings), I'm tempted to make up some aluminium shims that can be dropped in between the side walls and the nut to prevent it from rotating - where the red lines are marked in the photo.
Not an elegant solution but should do the job.
Had abit of an idea that is to bolt the mover just behind the horizontal steel base for the winch post itsgoing to be hard to get in there and drill the holes
Get a workshop to machine a nylon block that can be dropped in there, also machine in some indents in the top for the thumb and forefinger for easy removal or screw a small eyebolt into the top of it. There's a job shop at Kawana that did 2 bow rollers for me as electric winches can cut into most rollers and it was $40 for both.