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Thread: buying a boat with mismatching serial number of the outboard

  1. #1

    buying a boat with mismatching serial number of the outboard

    Hi all,

    I put a deposit for a boat. When I compared the rego document and the sticker on the outboard, I noticed that two numbers of the serial number mismatch. It looks like a genuine mistake. 2 out of 6 numbers are in different order like 23 and 32. The other numbers match.

    When I bought my tinnie, it was easy to write down any numbers while I was at RTA. This new boat is more powerful and expensive one. I will need insurance and so on. Do you think I can ask the RTA to correct the numbers with no issues? I know the right thing would be to call RTA but I thought maybe there is something else you guys could add.

  2. #2

    Re: buying a boat with mismatching serial number of the outboard

    My tinny rego papers are still showing as mercury 50hp but i have my yamaha 50hp on it i'll wait untill either maritime/water police pull me up or i change it over when i go in next

  3. #3

    Re: buying a boat with mismatching serial number of the outboard

    Not sure which state you're in but this happened to me in Qld with an old car. Main roads just wanted to see the car in person to confirm the number. Im sure they run it to make sure it doesn't match anything else but it was no drama to fix

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  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: buying a boat with mismatching serial number of the outboard

    I had same issue with my boat trailer. Same as Wahoo I had to take trailer in for them to view and confirm then they changed the info in their system

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