That's just the old navigator in me. I had to learn to read and use paper charts, parallel rules and all that, set and drift...I hold a Master class 4 FV, from a past life. I know most people think metrically on land, as you should, I'm finally around litres/100km as meaningful
.. The thing with NM, if you didn't know, is that 1 minute of latitude is one Nautical Mile. So, one degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles. I still find it useful when doing quick calcs about how far something is away when travelling north or south. No use travelling east-west, of course, in that sense, as distances per degree of longitude will vary with relation to the equator. And in my still-home territory, which I fished for a living for over 30 years, we always used miles. And all the otherwise-metric fishos here refer to The Three Mile.
Of course, then we have depths. I started out a a diver--it was always feet. Then I went fishing, and it was always fathoms. Useful for confusing the un-initiated. I'm sort-of transitioning--I use metres for really deep water, still tend to use fathoms for less than 40 fathoms, or 73 metres. Don't ask me why.