Hi all.
I’ve bought at newer Webster Twinfisher that I’ve decided to re-wire myself. That could turn out to be a mistake but I really want to know the ins and outs of the whole wiring system so that I can fault find any issues when I’m away camping as it has got me unstuck with the old boat in the past. I’m hoping the resident electrical gurus can guide me along as I go.
first step is getting the two batteries wired up correctly.
I have a BEP VSR that will be located close to the start battery under the gunwhale. From the VSR to the house battery (163Ah Calb Lithium) I have a 4m run. From where the bus bars under the console will be located to where the Anderson plug for the 12v Minnkota will be mounted is a 3.5m run.
There will only be approximately 11.5amps from the outboard available once the start battery hits 13.7v. I’ll be keeping the house topped up before fishing trips with a separate charger.
Start Battery will have the outboard, Minnkota Heading Sensor, and maybe one or two small LED lights running off it.
House Battery will run the rest of the electrics including the MinnKota, 10in Garmin Combo, VHF/Radio, 12v lighter socket outlets, 2 small bilge pumps, Nav lights, LED lights, a big deck wash pump (that will also run the live bait tanks) and a Furuno FCV 620
First question: What gauge tinned wire is sufficient for the 4 and 3.5m runs?
Second Question: What bus bars are recommended for under the console to run the Minnkota and the rest of the electrics.
Third Question: I want to run the Furuno off the same power lines as the MinnKota. If I put a say 75amp fuse before the Anderson plug on the positive line. Wire the Furuno power plug to the same Anderson plug terminals with the appropriate sized fuse for the Furuno. Will that be safe?
Basically the Furuno will have its tranny clamped to the TM so will only be used when the TM is running I have the option of putting a second switch up the front for the Furuno if I don’t want it running at the same time as the TM.
as always. Any help is greatly appreciated.