Got the boat hooked up, a bucket of Mullet frames and Flathead, crab nets all sorted, grandkids sleeping over ready for a day out, haven't been for a while, so here's hoping, I will post some pictures of the catch tomorrow....
Got the boat hooked up, a bucket of Mullet frames and Flathead, crab nets all sorted, grandkids sleeping over ready for a day out, haven't been for a while, so here's hoping, I will post some pictures of the catch tomorrow....
Damn boat upside down, I hope the traps don't fall out!
edit, just tried something
Damn...I give up on iPad photos, tried saving them upside down, tried landscape and portrait, tried locking rotation, pisses me off.
Sounds like a MR Squigle episode
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Back from crabbing, plenty there but very mixed size which is very strange for this time of the year. We kept 16 which is plenty for us, including one good one 72cm nipper tip to nipper tip, and we threw back probably 30 "just legals" can't be bothered when they are small, pictures to follow, all cooked, boat washed and put away before 10AM
Mate only Crab ive caught of late was one huge monstrouse jenny on the line which offcourse i threw back , lack of rain at the right time of year and no interest at all to get the pots out of storage!!..
Anyhows Bon Appatite (Kalli Oreksi ) My friend ..
noel,set you pics to southern hemisphere (no more upside down
Got a few females today too, which is really odd, normally they are gone (where ever they go to) by mid January, it was might chilly this morning here, only 11 degrees when we put the boat in, add that to wet feet and a bit of speed travelling and it was "fresh" caught some odds and ends fishing while waiting for the traps, a big Ocean Leatherjacket, no idea what it was doing in the lake! plus some Bream and small Whiting.
Bit of a chilly start, 11 degrees, and the 72cm crab.
Noelm, how did you work out 72cm crab? Surely you didn't measure from one oustrteched arm to the other?
Yes, that's how we measure our crabs for our family record, I had the record, my son broke it with a 97cm, then last summer got a.....wait for it 102cm, I think will stand for a long time, it was well over a KG in weight, that's just a "thing" we do for ourselves, nothing to do with anything else.
Yep, When we Crab I have an esky with salt water slurry, crabs go straight in it and they are "dead" in a few seconds, stops them nipping each other and keeps them fresh, they stay in the slurry until the boats washed and put away and the cooker is boiling.
When u mention lake is that the lake near windang? Or port kembla harbour?
I have fished the channel west of the windang bridge once and was blown away but how populated that little bit of river was flatties and whitting everywhere and it had hundreds of people fishing it
Yes, Lake Illawarra, you are not allowed to crab in the channel, except with lines, but traps are OK up in the lake. There's no secret spot, the whole lake is just flat bottom, I usually start setting traps close to the weed beds heading away from them, sometimes the crabs are along the weed, other times out away from the weed beds.