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Thread: Quintrex

  1. #31
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Quintrex

    For those that didnt see it ..a fella in WA posted that his 1 year old 90K Trident (but Yellowfin "plate boats' use the same underfloor system) started taking on water and when the floor was pulled up found multiple cracks and broken welds ...Supposedly he contacted Quintrex who have said its not their fault and so far have offered no help.....

    Without getting into aussie boat build bashing, as this is just a Telwater thing and they are now 80% BRP owned, it certainly doesnt look like a great structural design for a "plate boat" actually looks like they just tack in a few offcuts to join the ribs at the keel..

    Last photo is a stock build pic from Quintrex in the factory showing off their "quality build" ..





  2. #32

    Re: Quintrex

    Disorderly... you may wanna tell the whole story..

    I spoke with the owner of that trident he mentioned the hull had a leaking scupper and he just pushed that aside and kept using the hull he mentioned it took on water for several trips before he went about claiming the warranty

    Imo thats avoiding his warranty he should have immediatly stopped using the boat at the first signs of a leaking hull

    He even loaded it onto the roller trailer filled with water and buckled the hull

  3. #33

    Re: Quintrex

    Is that the reason Telwater have declined warranty? A leaking scupper should not/will not cause cracking, and shouldn't cause a safety issue if the scupper is above the water line as it should be. Not sure loading it on full of water would be a great idea, but, what's the alternative?

  4. #34
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Quintrex

    Here we go again..

    In anybodies book those welds are shit..that gusseting of the ribs over the keel is shit and if a leaking scupper can ultimately cause that , the boat design is shit...

  5. #35

    Re: Quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Disorderly... you may wanna tell the whole story..

    I spoke with the owner of that trident he mentioned the hull had a leaking scupper and he just pushed that aside and kept using the hull he mentioned it took on water for several trips before he went about claiming the warranty

    Imo thats avoiding his warranty he should have immediatly stopped using the boat at the first signs of a leaking hull

    He even loaded it onto the roller trailer filled with water and buckled the hull

    The whole story is that it's a piece of shit. The photos tell all. Enough said.

  6. #36

    Re: Quintrex

    Itsnot clear why it was declined but the owner went on a war path about it, it's all over facebook and now bar crusherpicked up on it and is running with it, i surely wouldnt want to be on a financial/law suit with a company asbig as telwater they can absolute crush an average little bloke in court

    The boat looks like something you'd pay 15k for how its patched together..

    The hull has a massive hook in the hull its atotal wright off

  7. #37

    Re: Quintrex

    but you spoke to the owner didnt he tell you ?

  8. #38

    Re: Quintrex

    There was one guy that postedapicture on facebook of hes quintrex with a genital drawn on the main plate on the inside with a texta and it was sold like that

    Like who does that kind of childish stuff at work

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