I've been handed down my dad's boat - a 1984 Nesscraft 488 (16') half cabin with original Suzuki DT85 (193 hrs). It holds sentimental value so I'm going to refurbish her, regardless of how little financial sense it makes. That's what'll make me happy so that's what I'm doing.
Photos are just what I have hanging around. I'll try to remember to take some as I progress with the refurbishment. Ideally I'll have her ready for use come end of 2021, though I'm juggling work and other projects so we'll see.
This is what she was like on the old trailer - it was still solid but not up to crossing the Nullabor (boat was in Adelaide; I live in Perth) and would have needed a lot of work to pass the pits here, so I hauled across a new trailer at Christmas with the family and towed her back. Sat on the speed limit all the way back with no attempt at economy driving and managed 12.8L/100km behind the VFII Calais 3.6L. Here's the new trailer thread.
01 Boat on original trailer.jpgTrailer (9 of 15).jpg20210101_193024.jpg
Since then I've pretty much been stripping it back and working out what I need for the refurb. Gelcoat is good so will just give that a compound and polish. Replacing the windscreen, windows, canopy, seat, fuel tanks and pretty much everything else though - just keeping the gauges and DT85. A few gnarly stuck screws but not too bad in general. Removed the Merc 7.5hp auxiliary for good - don't want the extra weight on the stern and will always be either inshore or with other boats.
I haven't entirely settled on what I'm doing but in general terms:
- the DT85 will stay and get a freshen up
- twin 62L tanks under the rear seats
- relocate battery to the port bunk
- flip up bolster + flip back seats on fridge hoops
- 70L split lid fridges under the seats
- new bimini or rocket launcher + targa (the old canvas was toast anyway)
Having 124L under the seats rather than under the floor isn't ideal but the tanks fit perfectly and will weigh about 30kg less when full than the old setup with the auxiliary. I will do the floor at some point so I can foam fill under and tidy up some of the glasswork shown in this thread, but I'll probably do that next year. The transom and stringers are sound so there shouldn't be any surprises.
Anyone in Perth looking for a Merc 7.5hp?