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Thread: Clark boats gone.

  1. #61
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    See where I said that? There is no back tracking on my part, some of what you say is true, some is simply salesmen shit, anyway, over and out from me on this, have fun.
    The ever untouchable Noelm, on this forum anyway.

    So basically, you quote the post where you're already back tracking to try to convince those who haven't read pages 1 & 2 that you're not back tracking. Classic. You simply never acknowledge when you get things wrong. It's not a competition, I'm wrong sometimes too. Quote the post before it where your position was that the products are the same. Who's really playing the salesman tactics here? You routinely do this on THT as well, except they put you through the meat grinder when you routinely get things wrong, over here the fan club pats you on the back because you've been on the forum a long time. Let's just be honest, it's pretty obvious you had no idea about the side pressings before I mentioned them, otherwise you would never have implied the products were the same. Again it's not personal, but please cut the BS, it's really not the end of the world to be corrected once in a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm
    the Quintrex range does have a unique bow "pressing" (blade hull) as does Stacer (millennium hull? I think) does it make the Quintrex any better or drier? That's a perhaps maybe, if it is, it's marginal or near impossible to compare (in my opinion only)
    There he goes again, spreading misinformation. Stacers do not have flared side sheets. Noelm, with respect, you don't know what you're talking about.

    And this also illustrates the point about bad information circling on forums- of course you wouldn't know how they perform, because you've only ever owned a flat-sided Outlaw and don't have real world experience with an alloy product that has a flared bow. But, true to form, you're still happy to claim the difference is "marginal or near impossible to compare". Based on what? Again, this is one of the biggest issues with forums, people with admittedly zero experience with a particular product are the ones making claims about how they perform.

    The flat-sided hulls are very wet, the difference with the flared bow is significant. Take that from someone who's had both. I know, what a novel concept, commenting on products you've actually owned. Again, the misinformation on forums is a real problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly
    Haha..first Quintrex is the best boat in the world and now this..

    Typical compunction about lying to prove a point.....
    There is no stronger indicator that you've won an argument than when your opposition resorts to mis-quoting you.

    Disorderly, please stop mis-quoting me. You did enough of that on your Chinese counterfeit fan page. Again, let's recount what I actually said:

    "As a mass produced alloy product, Australia and Quintrex in particular produces some of the best in the world. They are top notch products and we should be proud of that."

    Not one person here has offered a single coherent argument against that one simple point. You know why? Because it's true. Instead, you mis-quote me like a scumbag and you're now arguing with yourself.

    I've said it repeatedly now, it's clear most of you are out of your depth and you've demonstrated that you cannot actually argue the facts with me without stooping as low as editing my quotes.

  2. #62
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Didn’t read my replies or chose to ignore them I guess
    Like all manufacturers they build to the minimum quality the market will put up with

    i suppose you threw the I’m a lawyer into your posts in the mistaken believe people give a hoot
    shows in your manner of assuming superiority over others by putting them down

    now for the poor people who can only afford the lower end of things

    the stacer v quintrex thing is they all have pros n cons

    the quintrex has the flared bow and finer entry at the front but it flattens out a lot at the rear

    the stacer carries the v further back along the hull but the entry point isnt that much different

    its a shame they couldnt combine the two hull shapes together as the stacer rides nicer at planning speeds then the quintrex

  3. #63
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    i suppose you threw the I’m a lawyer into your posts in the mistaken believe people give a hoot
    shows in your manner of assuming superiority over others by putting them down
    You've got to be kidding. You clearly haven't read the thread. I didn't bring up professions. I was the one who got accused of working for Telwater or one of its dealers, simply for setting some facts straight about Quintrexes. My response was, if you creeps are so interested in what I do, no I do not work for Telwater, I'm in fact a boring attorney that goes fishing sometimes. Polar opposite of working as a boat builder, I'm not even based in QLD. I clarified that a grand total of once in this entire thread, multiple pages ago. The Chinese counterfeit apologist has been mentioning it in every reply the last 2 pages, putting down the profession, he clearly has an inferiority complex about it.

    But sure, apparently me clarifying that I don't work for a boat builder is akin to me putting others down. When in reality, I'm the one who has been attacked all along. What do you find so intimidating about attorneys?

    It's comical really, the guys that threw stones about professions are now feeling 'put down' because I simply mentioned what mine was, in response to being provoked. What if disorderly clarified that he didn't work for the Chinese importers but in fact was a brick layer - and I then talked down about brick layers for the next three pages. You would all cry and say how mean that is. Apparently it's okay to have a go at an attorney because of their profession. Tall poppy syndrome is a alive and well.

    You owe me an apology, Steve.

  4. #64
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by banshee View Post
    My Quintrex is a piece of shit and has been since new.
    Shit mate
    Thats no good, what is wrong with her

  5. #65
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    F💕💕k me ( no , not an invitation)
    What is going on around here lately?
    Dont forget people, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.
    Just be grateful that we have this place to air those views.
    I will shut up now, and go back to making a serious dent in my bottle of Chivas.

  6. #66
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Haha..first Quintrex is the best boat in the world and now this..

    Typical compunction about lying to prove a point.....

    Doesnt surprise me a bit..isnt that what you do for a living..?

    When I started my chinese boat blog I had already paid a deposit and the deal was done.

    So I didnt need yours or anybody elses opinion that I was a "scumbag" for not buying a aussie welded, mostly sourced in China boat..

    The only builders I bagged out were Formosa, Quintrex/Yellowfin and Tabs by calling them "toy boats"...IMO thats what they are..

    I was after a 6-7m true centre cab and none of those factory production builders offered such a thing...most that called them a "centre cab" just had a large centre console that was either bolted onto a plywood floor or for a lot extra that same console welded into a plate floor..none were suitable for overnighting and comfortably sleeping 2 adults..and after inspecting some of those was not very impressed about the quality of construction or fitout either...

    As I have mentioned numerous times I am a big fan of most of the Qld built custom plate boats such as Moda, Amm, Omm, Svvenson, ACB, Rebel etc etc...

    These are on a whole other other level to the stuff that comes out of Telwater and often not much more cost comparatively speaking...

    They are made up here in Qld and their layouts particularly suit the Qld reef fishing , boating lifestyle and can be customised to suit.

    Noble was also one of the pioneers and better builders before they infamously took their production to China and , well, you know the rest...

    And also as mentioned I got quotes off a few of them and quickly found the prices were not affordable for our budget being pretty low income earners..

    Having a crook back and spending many years traveling back and forwards to the reef in pressed boats like Stacer and Quintrexs in the 5m plus range the quality of the ride was paramount..

    The Supervee fit the bill, both ride and price wise and came in at about half the cost of a comparative aussie built boat...(actually less then half of a aussie built Noble)..

    So thats what we did and initially I was happy with sharing the good and bad on the blog till it became apparent that people like you existed and were more interested in character assassination and the chest thumping, flag waving, ego boosting "I told you so" bullshit..

    With you Superfan, dont you think its a little puzzling that I'm a "scumbag" for buying a chinese built boat but when you did, it was quite acceptable and you even crowed it triumphantly from the rooftops and basically said it was better then any other aussie built boat..?

    Yep so there were dramas and some disappointments but after 165 hours and 18 months later we are happy with the boat and delighted with the ride and handling...we have received 2 lots of payments for warranty work and upgrading fitout stuff to our satisfaction...

    Strangely enough some of the issues that annoyed me seem to be prevalent and commonplace on some mass produced aussie boats..namely paint, finish, fitout quality, trailer quality and actually getting the manufacturer to honour warranty...I had quite a few people contact me through the blog with tales of woe about their bad experience's and disappointment with most aussie factory built brands..

    And also as I have mentioned I wouldnt recommend anyone buying a boat sight unseen.

    I do however think that Chinese boats will make huge inroads into market here and perhaps partly because of my blog, and others complaints, Gospel boats have already made significant improvements to fitout quality and other areas of the build..

    Still not perfect but they seem amazingly adept at improving their products quickly based on customer feedback from what I have seen over the past 2 years ..

    Write them off at your own peril but just like the Japs did with the motorcar industry the Chinese will do likewise with everything else soon enough..

    Is my boat the best in the world..?...Nope

    Is it better for me then a Yellowfin/formosa/tabs...Yep

    Was it stressful and were there issues throughout the build..?..Yep,communication was difficult and It caused me anxiety at times.

    Does it suit my requirements and was it affordable to my budget.?...Totally.

    Do I "encourage" others to buy chinese products or "boycott" aussie products...?.....Nice try Wanka....people should be able to do whatever they want with their own money.

    Would I buy another boat from China...initially No...but now, Yep..the products just continue to improve but there remains variability of products with different companies..I can only speak from my experience with Gospel.. ...

    Superfan, I realize you know all this, having hoarded my blog ....I am pretty honest about it all only have to ask and I will be straight up about it...

    For some reason a select few let their hatred and bigotry blind them to the point where the truth matters less to them then the skewed picture they want to paint.

    and no, I wont ever compare myself to a hypocritical, judgemental, bottomfeeding lawyer who thinks its his right to tell people how to live and spend their hard-earned money ..

    Never read such a arrogant load of shit in my life...

    Anyway I'm off to plan my next boating adventure rather then trying to convince people that I have the best boats in the world...

    Suggest you do the same..

    Over and Out..

    PS... and as I have offered before..if anyone is considering buying/importing a Gospel boat and wants any advice, feel free to shoot me a PM..I'm happy to share my experiences good and bad...warts and all so to speak..

    Thanks mate ..I'll let the missus know..she is really enjoying getting back out and doing some diving and snorkelling and playing around with the Go pro.....
    Right that’s it.
    How dare you put shit on my Tabs built boat.
    Only joking mate , you brought the best option available for what you needed, as did I.
    Tell ya what though. The combination of an early knock, and an unopened bottle of halfway decent scotch, could be dangerous.

  7. #67
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn 66 View Post
    F💕💕k me ( no , not an invitation)
    What is going on around here lately?
    Dont forget people, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.
    Just be grateful that we have this place to air those views.
    I will shut up now, and go back to making a serious dent in my bottle of Chivas.
    It's a shame, unfortunately these days if you claim that you had a positive experience with a particular brand, you get accused of working for them. Not allowed to have a positive opinion about Quintrex around here.

    Then if you clarify that you don't in fact work for Quintrex and that you're just a boring old attorney that goes fishing, they attack your profession for 3 pages straight.

    I have been around here for 8 years and never seen such poor behaviour from adults.

  8. #68
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    "I have been around here for 8 years and never seen such poor behaviour from adults."

    must have a poor memory

  9. #69
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn 66 View Post
    Right that’s it.
    How dare you put shit on my Tabs built boat.
    Only joking mate , you brought the best option available for what you needed, as did I.
    Tell ya what though. The combination of an early knock, and an unopened bottle of halfway decent scotch, could be dangerous.
    Is that a challenge Shawn.?..

    A race between the Toy boat and the China boat with the winner to take on Davo's 20% Aussie boat for the Title...?...

    Think I need a drink too then we can compare boat size...

  10. #70
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Merc 4.6L V8 on the 680 Sig, any challenge accepted.

    Last Quinnie 6m had a G2, peel your face off when it wasn't broken.

  11. #71

    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Davidson View Post
    It's a shame, unfortunately these days if you claim that you had a positive experience with a particular brand, you get accused of working for them. Not allowed to have a positive opinion about Quintrex around here.

    Then if you clarify that you don't in fact work for Quintrex and that you're just a boring old attorney that goes fishing, they attack your profession for 3 pages straight.

    I have been around here for 8 years and never seen such poor behaviour from adults.
    Seriously dude. At this rate you’ll give yourself a stroke. Take it easy. You weren’t accused of anything. You were simply asked as the way you were coming across it looks like you were defending Telwater way too hard. Have a search back through the Telwater related posts on this site. It isn’t pretty reading.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  12. #72
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Full of ones self importance. I’m finished here

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums

  13. #73
    Ausfish Platinum Member Shawn 66's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Is that a challenge Shawn.?..

    A race between the Toy boat and the China boat with the winner to take on Davo's 20% Aussie boat for the Title...?...

    Think I need a drink too then we can compare boat size...
    G’Day Mate
    Na you would win.
    I have only got a small one,(boat, that is)
    Tell you what though, I am questioning my decision to give the scotch a serious nudge yesterday.

  14. #74
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn 66 View Post
    G’Day Mate
    Na you would win.
    I have only got a small one,(boat, that is)
    Tell you what though, I am questioning my decision to give the scotch a serious nudge yesterday.
    Haha..yeah I'm not a big drinker these days..did more then enough as a younger bloke..

    many years since I had a hangover...even the thought just puts me off...the mind and body just cant handle it anymore..

    and yeah I'm also more the cruisey type of boater these days...

    What I enjoy is the journey, not how fast you get there or how big or flash your boat is..

    I'll concede the race and leave it to Davo to peel his face off in his Etec driven Quinny ...

    Hope your headache goes away, Shawn and if not try hair of the dog..

  15. #75
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Clark boats gone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    Seriously dude. At this rate you’ll give yourself a stroke. Take it easy. You weren’t accused of anything. You were simply asked as the way you were coming across it looks like you were defending Telwater way too hard. Have a search back through the Telwater related posts on this site. It isn’t pretty reading.
    Sure Lovey, step away from it all you like. Even after I needed to clarify that I didn't work for Telwater (because apparently if you have something positive to say about a product, you must work for them) that wasn't good enough, I was challenged about it again and again. Then attacked for my actual profession. The calibre of some people around here...

    Here's the point. What's gone on in this thread has been going on for years on forums, people slagging off brands and products they've never owned or experienced. You suggest I search for Telwater because it "isn't pretty". That's exactly the point, there's so much trash floating around like this thread has proven, you can't pick an armchair critic troll from someone that's actually owned the product and has real experience to share. I know some people genuinely don't like them based on experience, that's uniform across all brands. But what I'm tired of is people like Noelm, never owned a Quintrex, claims they're no good, claims they're the same as a base model Stacer (the boat that he actually owns), uses second hand story to slag off Quintrex. Others talking down $80-100k products based on their experience with a $300 used tinny. If that makes sense to you, then so be it.

    I'm pretty tired of it, I know others are too. If it wasn't Telwater in this thread, it's Bar Crusher in another. It makes it so hard for people researching the brands. But it's standard protocol on forums, slag off the market leaders any chance you get. Who cares whether you've owned or experienced them before or not. Once you actually respond to the armchair trolls, it becomes immediately clear that there's no substance behind what they're saying. Read the thread front to back again, I've been more than reasonable.

    Particularly to trolls like "shortthenlong" who asked for information and pretended he was genuine, so I actually spent like 20 minutes writing a reply to run through some of the differences I suspect most don't know about, happy to have a conversation about it. He clearly didn't actually care for a conversation and it probably caught him off guard, so he just responds like a rude muppet, didn't address a single point.

    I won't apologise for sharing facts and experiences where I can, even if some of the trolls get upset.

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